Anonymous ID: 51135e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.3845454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5541


Oh hai megajew! Thought we'd lost ya a minute there.

Gotta hand it to you guys, not many could survive this BTFO:

>> 3842120, >> 3842300 #4884

> The only one who is dividing here is you JIDF faggots who try to use Q's words to shame people for "wrongthink".

Ouch! But I guess desperation can make even the biggest losers keep trying to win a battle already lost. (Sad tho.)


Honest question:

how many anons do you think you're really fooling?

I'm thinking it's a number somewhere between as much Indian blood as POTUS and "Pocahontas" have. Am I close?


I'll make you a deal:

If you stand down now, we won't put you in a cell with MS13.

Cuz even an asshole as broken in as yours wouldn't last a day.