Anonymous ID: 67a0ab Nov. 10, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.3845331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5374


>>3842755 lb

Informing the American people about the Khazarian Zionist Agenda and the control and power they have used to damage our country in so many ways IS the TRUTH.


The "muhjoo shill" whining is Zionist Cabal gaslighting. YOU are the shills. You GLOW as you're defending the crimes of the Zionist mafia against Americans, and the many American soldiers killed in wars created by Zionist Bankers to benefit Israel MARKS you as a Zionist SHILL.




The correct phrase is "muhjoo TRUTH" !


Oh btw – NOBODY in America is "divided" by seeing the Truth about the Khazarian Zionist Control Web on this qresearch board because Patriots OUTNUMBER Zionists and Israelis.