Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:01 p.m. No.3845015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5049 >>5199 >>5420 >>5604 >>5687

Soros-Funded Groups Demand Gov. Rick Scott Recuse Himself from Florida Recount


Two organizations financed by billionaire liberal activist George Soros have threatened to take Florida Gov. Rick Scott to court if he doesn’t recuse himself from the state’s recount, which includes his own Senatorial election.


“Please issue a public statement that you will recuse yourself and remove yourself from any oversight of the 2018 election immediately or we will have no choice but to seek a formal emergency remedy from the courts,” reads a letter sent to Scott by the two groups, the League of Women Voters and Common Cause.


The letter claims Scott “intentionally politicized governance of the elections” when his used his position to ask the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigate possible irregularities in ballot offices in Southern Florida.


The League of Women Voters purports to be “nonpartisan, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or political parties at any level of government, but always working on vital issues of concern to members and the public.” Capital Research charges the group has evidenced a “major flirtation with the Democratic Party.” The League documents its funding from Soros’s Open Society Institute


Common Cause is also financed by Soros’s Open Society Foundations. Its mission says it aims “to build a democracy that works for us all.”


Scott’s race against Sen. Bill Nelson is one of three elections heading for recount in Florida after all three fell within the margin for a machine recount, and Scott’s 0.15 percent margin will likely also result in a hand recount.


Scott’s call for an investigation came amid questions about the slow pace of Broward’s ballot counting and past wrongdoings by the county’s controversial elections supervisor, Brenda Snipes.


A judged ruled that Snipes destroyed ballots too soon from a critical 2016 Congressional race n which former Democratic National Convention (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz won re-election.


Snipes was also ordered by a judge earlier this year to change the way she handles mail-in ballots after her office was accused of opening them in secret.


Over the weekend, the Miami Herald reported that Snipes’ office mixed 20 rejected ballots with a sampling of 205 valid provisional ones in the current election. The discrepancy was reportedly found only after uproar from the Republican Party resulted in the Broward County canvassing board inspecting those provisional ballots.

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:04 p.m. No.3845034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5450



Breaking out of the mental prison will cause deep personal pain.


Fear, doubt, insecurity, self esteem destroying info is bombarded at us on a daily basis through never ending horror on TV, social media, schools, movies, by government and so on………


This is all done by design to ensure you are PROJECTING negativity. WORRY/FEAR is a tool of the cabal.


Think mirror, always comparing yourself to unattainable ideals is soul destroying, forced helplessness.


Ego death is necessary so you can move past the forced control systems. Learn to shut down negative thought before it takes hold and PROJECT positivity.


We know we are going to WIN because without the doubt of failure there can be no other outcome.









Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.3845054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5103


Understand that the attacks on the genuine Anon's come in more than one form. Fight against the feeling push thru and extinguish the negative thought project the reality you want.


You're not alone!



Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.3845075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5135 >>5199 >>5420 >>5604 >>5687


Italy has no future outside the Eurozone, EU commissioner warns


The EU commissioner is still employing bullying over Italy’s budget, insisting that Italy has “no future” outside of the Eurozone.


The European Commission disagrees with Italy’s spending plans for the coming years and has asked Rome to submit a new draft budget by 13 November. So far, government ministers have refused, saying they will not change their economic plans.


The EU’s Economics chief Pierre Moscovici insisted on Thursday that there was little room for Brussels to compromise with the Italian government over its budget plans.


“I am concerned about the word compromise,” Moscovici told reporters revealing the Commission’s autumn 2018 Economic Forecast. “There cannot be a sort of negotiation on this,” he added.


He further warned against any sort of #Quitaly exiting the Eurozone: “We would like Italy to remain what it is, a major country within the Eurozone, there is no future for Italy outside the Eurozone, there is no future for Europe without Italy.”


Italian Finance Minister Giovanni Tria isn’t impressed with the Brussels budget block explaining: “The fact remains that the Italian Parliament has authorised a maximum deficit of 2.4% for 2019 that the government, therefore, is committed to respecting.”


The popular Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has insisted that “we are not changing a comma of the budget”. The most recent polls in Italy show that only 44 per cent of Italians support remaining in the EU. Perhaps #Quitaly isn’t too far off and Italy will join Brexit outside of the EU?

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:09 p.m. No.3845087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5111 >>5240

UNHCR Notes US Must Follow Ratified International Refugee Accords


The United Nations refugee agency has pointed to the 1967 refugee Protocols, of which the US is a party, observing that Washington is in violation as it is limiting political asylum grants at official points of entry.


The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Office (UNHCR) stated Friday that US President Donald Trump's proclamations on asylum are in violation of international refugee agreements.


The new Trump decree reportedly bans migrants from applying for asylum outside of official ports of entry, meaning that any migrant crossing the border illegally to apply for refugee status on US soil will be automatically denied. The only way to apply for asylum in the US — according to the Trump proclamation — would be to arrive at official entry points along the nation's borders.


According to the the agency, the Trump edict is a violation of the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, to which the US remains a signatory.


"UNHCR expects all countries, including the United States, to make sure that any person in need of refugee protection and humanitarian assistance is able to receive it quickly and without obstruction, in line with the 1967 refugee Protocol, to which the United States is a party," the statement says.


The UNHCR statement underscores that it is unrealistic to expect that all individuals in need of asylum present themselves at the border and then request protection. The reality of the refugee issue is complex, and requires "a structured management with dignified reception arrangements," noted the statement.


Official entry points on the US southern border have repeatedly been criticized for lack of capacity to process asylum seekers, which some say causes immigrants to cross the border at other points.


The UNHCR statement insists that those who opt to enter a nation at other than official points of entry are not doing so solely as a means of evading border authorities.


As thousands of Central American migrants approach the US-Mexico border, the Trump administration has sought to reinforce the border with military personnel tasked with aiding Customs and Border Control staff.


An estimated 4.500 migrants heading toward the US made a brief stop in Mexico City earlier this week, but most are expected to continue their journey in the upcoming days, as few applied for refugee status in Mexico.

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:15 p.m. No.3845162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5172 >>5180 >>5199 >>5287 >>5420 >>5604 >>5687



‘Artists and Intellectuals’ Proclaim Continent-wide European Republic to Replace Nation-State


BERLIN (AP) – Artists and intellectuals across Europe are calling for the founding of a continentwide republic to replace its many nation-states.


Activists planned to proclaim a ‘European Republic’ in dozens of cities at 4 p.m. (1500 GMT) Saturday, almost exactly 100 years after the end of World War I.


The event is being organized by a group calling itself the European Balcony Project. Its listed supporters include political scientists, philosophers and writers such as Austrian literature Nobel prize laureate Elfriede Jelinek.


A manifesto on the group’s website declares that “the sovereignty of states is hereby replaced by the sovereignty of citizens.”

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.3845181   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maduro in the Cross-hairs: What You are not Being Told about the Crisis in Venezuela


“When I was there, even the protestors we talked to on the ground… they just want to be filmed by the international press so then they can show it (to) the international media to create an international scandal. So they’re quite aware of what the strategy is and they’ve been at it for some time.” – Mike Prysner, from this week’s interview.


While the Trump Administration is mobilizing U.S, troops to greet the arrival to the U.S. border of 7000 Central American migrants, Colombia takes in over 4000 Venezuelan migrants daily as a result of the economic crisis plaguing the country.


The economic noose has been tightening around the population of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela over the last year. The economic sanctions directed at the Maduro government have taken their toll contributing to the plight of ordinary Venezuelans.


Those sanctions were triggered in September 2017, following a call by the Association formed between Canada and the United States to “take economic measures against Venezuela and persons responsible for the current situation in Venezuela.” [1]


The Canadian and American governments cite what they considered to be anti-democratic behaviour, including the use of a National Constituent Assembly (NCA) to subvert the will of the democratically elected National Assembly. These and other countries around the globe rejected an NCA electoral process which was boycotted by the (anti-Maduro) opposition, and that they determined to be “fraught with gerrymandering and allegations of vote rigging.”[2]


Efforts to challenge these government narratives have been frustrated. National broadcasts in Canada and the U.S. have been ratcheting up the perception of President Maduro and his ‘dictatorial’ ways as a contributor to the human rights situation now plaguing the Venezuelan citizenry. Most recently, solidarity activists in Canada have been lamenting their failure, as of this date, to bring a Venezuelan Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos Ron Martinez, to Canada. The claim has been made, though not yet verified, that Ottawa is deliberately blocking the Minister’s passage to Canada.


On this week’s Global Research News Hour radio program, we make an effort to counter the conventional talking points about Venezuela, and get more detail on some of the efforts to change the Canadian government’s stance.


American-based Telesur journalist Mike Prysner has done exhaustive reporting from Venezuela throughout the National Constituency election process and witnessed much of the opposition protests directed against Maduro in the last year. He brings us his perspective in our first half hour.


In the second half hour, Toronto based organizer Barry Weisleder joins us to share his thoughts about the Trudeau government’s hostility toward the Bolivarian Republic and some of the challenges, including the above mentioned setback, faced by Canadian solidarity activists.


Finally, we hear part of a speech given to a Winnipeg audience (via skype) by Venezuelan Deputy Minister Carlos Ron Martinez about the situation in Venezuela, and how they are coping.

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.3845196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5294 >>5568 >>5577

"No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me," declares the Lord." Is. 54:17

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.3845229   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White Helmets Serve US Military Agenda in Syria: Operate Missile Detection in Idlib, Protect Al Qaeda Safe Haven


White Helmets terrorist factions, supported directly by the US and its allies including Canada, are currently operating missile detection systems in Idlib, Syria.


The Sentry system[1] – funded in part by the Canadian government – will warn against Syrian and Russian airstrikes, but not against U.S airstrikes.


Special US envoy Brett McGurk recently admitted that,


“Idlib province is the largest al-Qaeda safe-haven since 9/11, tied to directly to Ayman al Zawahiri, this is a huge problem.” [2]


So clearly, the White Helmets- operated Sentry system will be protecting the West’s al Qaeda proxies.


When the West annihilated Raqqa, Syria, and countless civilians, in a four month siege, from June 6 – October 17, 2017, it offered inadequate evacuation procedures for civilians to leave, but it did provide safe passage for its ISIS proxies to redeploy elsewhere, only to re-occupy the destroyed and depopulated[3] area with SDF proxies. The siege was actually an operation that involved destruction, depopulation, and reoccupation disguised as “liberation”[4].


In stark contrast to the West’s criminality, when Syria and its allies – all operating in accordance with international law —- liberated Aleppo, Syria, from November-December 2016, they offered reconciliation and amnesties to occupying terrorists[5], with a view to saving lives where possible, while at the same time liberating the area from all terrorist factions.


Whereas Aleppo has been reborn, Raqqa remains a wasteland. The White Helmets are serving Empire’s agenda of mass death and destruction.




  1. “Missile Detection System developed by USAID May Have Helped al Qaeda.” RT. ( Accessed 9 November, 2018.


  1. “The Truth About Idlib in the US State Department’s Own Words. ‘The Largest Al Qaeda Safe Haven Since 9/11.’ ” Zero Hedge, 2 September 2018, Global Research, 3 September 2018.( Accessed 11 September, 2018.


  1. Andrew Korybko, “US Backed YPG Kurds Are Ethnically Cleansing Arabs From Raqqa, and the World Is Silent.” Global Village Space, 15 June, 2017, Global Research, 19 June, 2017. “US Backed YPG Kurds Are Ethnically Cleansing Arabs From Raqqa, and the World Is Silent.” ( Accessed 9 November, 2018.


  1. Mark Taliano, “War Crimes as Policy.” Global Research, 17 November, 2017. ( Accessed 9 November, 2018.


  1. “Syria: Refugees leave Aleppo through humanitarian corridor.” RT, 30 July, 2016. ( Accessed 9 November, 2018.

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:23 p.m. No.3845243   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Tim. 6:12

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.3845251   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"This is what the Lord says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's." 2 Chron. 20:15

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.3845274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Here We Go–Georgia Democrat Party Says Thousands of New “Absentee, Early, and Election Day Votes” Were Just Discovered in Several Counties==


Here We Go–Georgia Democrat Party Says Thousands of New “Absentee, Early, and Election Day Votes” Were Just Discovered in Several Counties

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft November 10, 2018 88 Comments


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They’re going to steal Georgia too.


The Georgia Democrat Party announced on SATURDAY that a handful of Georgia counties have suddenly discovered THOUSANDS of new votes that need to be counted. The Georgia Democrats say the new stash included absentee, early and election day votes.


The midterm election was four days ago.


Democrats in Georgia have now mysteriously discovered another 5,569 votes of which 4,804 were for Stacey Adams.

They are going to steal the Georgia election too.

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:30 p.m. No.3845291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Houston Chronicle retracts eight stories with sources allegedly made-up by high-profile reporter



The Houston Chronicle has decided to retract eight bogus stories written by a former reporter. The decision came after an internal investigation found that the reporter apparently made up sources and quoted them in his stories.

What was the reason?


“The relationship between a newspaper and its readers is one of trust,” Chronicle executive editor Nancy Barnes wrote Thursday in statement that explained the decision. “This investigation points to an egregious breach of that trust that is an offense to readers and journalists alike. We apologize to our readers, and to the Houston community.”


She added: “We will be correcting or retracting all of the affected stories in order to set the record straight to the best of our ability, as I promised when this was first brought to my attention.”


The scandal first emerged in September when another reporter questioned some of the sources cited by Austin bureau chief Mike Ward. Barnes confronted Ward and he resigned form the paper.


Ward, who previously wrote for the Austin American-Statesman, did not admit to any wrongdoing.


The Houston Chronicle decided to audit Ward’s stories and brought in Pulitzer Prize winner David Wood to lead the investigation. It found that numerous people in Ward’s stories could not be verified.


“Of the 275 people quoted, 122, or 44 percent, could not be found. Those 122 people appeared in 72 stories,” Wood said. “It’s impossible to prove that these people do not exist, only that with extensive research and digging, the team could not find them. And in this age of online records, including property ownership and court filings, almost everyone can be found quickly.”

Anything else?


In addition to the eight retractions, the paper also plans to amend other stories by Ward that relied heavily on sources that could not be verified.


“These are challenging times for our country, and for journalism,” Barnes wrote. “That makes it all the more important that readers trust that we will ferret out the truth, even if it concerns ourselves.”

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:41 p.m. No.3845376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5430 >>5604 >>5666 >>5687 >>5696 >>5716

'Get the fk out of here': Moment furious Tucker Carlson yells after his son threw wine over a gay Latino immigrant in a country club for 'calling the Fox News host's daughter a 'c*', as Michael Avenatti accuses the pundit of 'assault'


Tucker Carlson responded to accusation from lawyer Michael Avenatti Saturday

Avenatti, attorney to porn star Stormy Daniels, published video of confrontation

It shows Fox News host Carlson in a heated verbal exchange with other men

Incident occurred Oct. 13 at Farmington Country Club in Charlottesville, Virginia

Carlson says stranger called his daughter, 19, 'Tucker's whore' at country club

Fox News hosts admits his enraged son splashed red wine in the man's face

Witnesses say the stranger, named Juan, responded by throwing his own wine

Avenatti says Juan is a 'gay Latino immigrant'; he is believed to be Argentinean

'I did not assault this man, and neither did my son. That is a lie. Nor did I know the man was gay or Latino, not that it would have mattered,' said Carlson

'What happened on Oct. 13 has nothing to do with identity politics. It was a grotesque violation of decency. I've never seen anything like it in my life,' he said

Controversy comes days after Carlson's home was mobbed by 20 antifa


Fox News host Tucker Carlson has blasted back at celebrity attorney Michael Avenatti's 'assault' accusation, admitting that his adult son splashed wine in the face of a stranger at a country club but saying it was in response to grotesque insults of his teen daughter.


Avenatti, the celebrity attorney of porn star Stormy Daniels, posted a video on Saturday showing Carlson appearing to say 'get the f**k out of here' to another man in a heated exchange.


Avenatti, who was not present for the incident, accused Carlson of 'assault on a gay latino immigrant' named Juan in the heated exchange.


'That is a lie,' Carlson said in a statement to 'I restrained myself. I did not assault this man, and neither did my son.'


Carlson that the stranger he was seen yelling at in the video had just called his 19-year-old daughter 'Tucker's whore' and a 'fking ct' after seeing her seated at the conservative pundit's table at the Farmington Country Club in Charlottesville, Virginia on October 13.

Anonymous ID: cf736e Nov. 10, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.3845395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5422

Pooing troops, empty bars, sinking frigate and other takeaways from NATO largest drills


From traffic accidents to troops relieving themselves in public places and bars left without beer, this year's edition of NATO-led Trident Juncture drills has every chance to leave lasting memories in Norway and beyond.


Trident Juncture 2018 was by far the largest exercise hosted by Norway since the end of the Cold War and the largest NATO has held in decades. Involving some 50,000 troops from 31 countries, about 10,000 combat vehicles and 250 aircraft, the Trident Juncture was to hone the troops' combat skills in harsh Nordic climate – the one that probably led to some embarrassing setbacks.


Residents of Norway have filed hundreds of complaints with their country's military, drawing attention to human waste left by foreigners in public places. NATO troops – mostly Swedes and Americans – were reportedly caught relieving themselves near kindergartens, schools, and sports facilities, according to Norway's broadcaster NRK.

Other complaints came from local farmers who were angry about their property being damaged by armored vehicles. Norwegian Major Marianne Bo, responsible for damages and environmental protection during the NATO exercise, said the army usually has “a system for treating this” but something apparently went wrong.


“This is terrible, it's about having common decency,” the officer lamented. “We have to clean up after soldiers who have relieved themselves. It's literally a s****y job.” The news was met will little praise from Trident Juncture HQ either, which promised to take all the complaints seriously.