oh shit haaaaahaha
that's her alright
Godfather III, referenced over and over, is stuck in my head.
Decided to read some reviews and analyses.
"“Part III,” which arrives on Blu-ray May 13, was still one of the best movies of its year (1990), thanks in large part to a devastating and necessary ending: Up to this point, Michael Corleone’s evil had never been repaid with adequate suffering. And the King Lear-like climax on the steps of the opera house in Sicily, punctuated by Michael’s mostly silent scream, provides a legitimately Shakespearean finish to the saga."
Note two things:
Evil which had never been repaid with adequate suffering, and
I've lost count of the number of times we've seen happenings that seem lifted straight out of Shakespeare. We do know that Steve Bannon, who "exited stage left" faster than Snagglepuss, is known to be the most well-read man in Washington. He was also as close to the fire as anyone in 2015-16.
The Post analysis points out two lines of dialogue which jumped off the screen:
:: Finance is a gun — politics is knowing when to pull the trigger
:: I don’t need tough guys, I need more lawyers
How many lawyers are in Utah with Huber?
Does anyone actually know what Mueller's been doing? The Left has chosen Lawfare as their battlefields; Mr. Sessions has had plenty of time to lay out a blistering strategy. Pic related of him and Whitaker, both looking like they could hardly hold emotions in check, spoke volumes.
If finance is indeed a gun, there could certainly have been dozens of auditors picking over the Clintons and the rest of the evil web with a fine toothed comb for months now and collecting warehouses full of ammo. RICO and fraud charges would be a prepared prosecutor's dream. The numbers and tax returns tell the story, and in the case of the Clintons' many NPO tax returns, almost impossible to defend (refer to every YouTube video of Charles Ortel for extensive proof)
I see Hillary Rodham Clinton as Michael Corleone; because of her insatiable greed and lust for power, so many around her, who've been responsible for less, must go down and she's going to watch.
"As the picture concludes with a whirlwind of violence in which men less honorable than Michael meet their fates, we still have hope that he can somehow find redemption. That’s why it’s so painful when he pays the worst imaginable price for everything he’s done."
Like Michael, Hillary has a daughter. Chelsea is up to her eyeballs in culpability for all the Clinton Foundations' massive frauds, all for the sin of omission– not denying her parents. Will Bill and Hillary have to watch Chelsea endure trial and conviction? The tax fraud alone practically guarantees a guilty verdict and harsh sentence.
The DOJ has been sharpening its teeth for months on fraud cases– Corinne Brown and Steve Stockman come to mind. Go look, type in the search term "fraud": https://www.justice.gov/news
I believe this is what Q has been trying to tell us. Someone is going to suffer greatly for the evil they've done, and it is going to be Shakespearean.
This indeed.
One small example is that there is a non-profit corporation tax deadline ahead on November 15. The Clintons are required to submit properly audited financial statements and returns by then. The problem for the Clintons is finding a legitimate large accounting firm willing to fall on the sword, risk its certificate, and sign off on the audit.
These are not like a typical income tax audit; verified audits are an extensive portfolio of various financial statements and reviews that provide an accurate picture of a company's financial health. Everything is backed up by receipts. All of it must balance. A verified audit has to be squeaky clean.
They don't have one; they can't GET one, and even if they COULD get one, the poor shlubs press-ganged into signing it would know they would have the law breathing down their necks in short order.
Now that I think of it, I think IRS audits may be the key to smashing the giant network of NPOs the Left has weaponized. Audit them into oblivion.