*Population of New York City: 8.623 million people
*Population of Israel : 8.712 million people
WHY is the US Government giving Israel $3.8 BILLION Dollars Per Year for the next 10 Years ?!?
How many anons here Voted for this outrageous Policy that's been going on for decades??? bleeding our Taxpayer Money dry for Israel.
Imagine if our Government GAVE New York City $3.8 BILLION DOLLARS Per Year for the next 10 Years?
How about $3.8 BILLION DOLLARS Per Year given to YOUR city, town or state?
Why do We The People have no Voice in this? None! When it comes to American Money given away to Israel. They have done NOTHING Positive for us.
How many Americans actually AGREE to give Israel $3.8 BILLION DOLLARS each Year for the next 10 Years - $38 BILLION DOLLARS !!! Do you?
No more Israel Vampires - this must end !