Anonymous ID: 51ad7c Nov. 11, 2018, 2:36 a.m. No.3847318   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3846534 (lb)

You guys aren't using the correct language. I apologize, it is early and I just woke up. Last night I read an article…it was in notables and the wording of it is what is important/. It made me laugh.

I can't look it up right now… not feeling my best and haven't had my coffee, but it is there.

It was worded to send a message and you guys are saying he didn't attended the ceremony because of rain.


He decided to cancel because of the "STORM".

It might have even included, "impending" storm, but I can't be sure.

Remember Macron warned him and Putin to not steal the spotlight from him?

You think for a moment our President is going to allow himself to be dictated to by macaroon?

He is sending messages to the cabal, with everything he does

Take heart. This is what he is all about. He fights them every minute, as does our wonderful First Lady.

Anonymous ID: 51ad7c Nov. 11, 2018, 2:45 a.m. No.3847387   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I am not sure about the adleson or scalia,that is just me.

BUT the rest of them are PURE Anericana and a slap in the fucking, cabal's faces.

I love it!

Anonymous ID: 51ad7c Nov. 11, 2018, 2:53 a.m. No.3847433   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I had my kiddo thank me, a few months ago, for being here and sending back posts, links and information. That meant the world to me. We are making a difference even if we can't always see or feel it. Just by the sheer number of stupid shills here, trying to discourage us now, tells you we make a difference and how much the Autists are hated.

We need to not let them discourage us. When you hear them disparage Q and why isn't Q doing this or that and what a let down Q is. That is not us. That is pure shill. Pure paid for opposition.

They now will be fighting harder and harder. More people will be losing their lives, as in any other war. This is only going to get worse because the veil has been pulled off of their deeds. We can finally see them for what they truly are.

I want to give a shout out to good old georgie soros right now. For speaking up in that old interview, so many years ago. He told us exactly what he was and what he planned to do. His face, out there, his own words. Best piece of video ever. We should all have a copy of it and play it for others whenever we can.


CHEERS to our President and First Lady!

Anonymous ID: 51ad7c Nov. 11, 2018, 3:55 a.m. No.3848009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8033

I am in the midst of watching the replay of Bolero, I didn't catch it when it happened.

Did anyone get the symbolism of all the youth marching, in a row, stone faced. all dressed the same. all the same. No differences. No diversity. All the same. Little minions doing as they are told. Bland, no emotion, just marching around and around, taking over the stage, so to speak. That is a frightening representation for me.