Anonymous ID: 553290 Nov. 11, 2018, 3:55 a.m. No.3848005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8011 >>8016

Are there really shills on here? CIA Paid provocateurs? Aren't they supposed to use reason and logic to undermine us?


All I see are mental cases, like red text retard, or repetitious antisemite crap that stands out by its frequency as an industrial tool. Effective? No, obviously a push from someone who thinks we must be stupid.


Why would anyone pay for such ineffective crap? All they do is increase the number of breads.


These attention whores aren't paid shills, don't elevate their status like that. They are just mentally ill intellectually challenged traitors deserving of nothing more enabling than a padded cell, or a mercy killing.