Anonymous ID: ae867e Nov. 11, 2018, 3:07 a.m. No.3847562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7594 >>7650 >>8013

I have to get this off my chest I am so so tired of sitting back and watching the Evil Dems and DS consistently getting away with all the BS they do. Look at all the election fraud going on right under our nose and they laugh about it. All I am asking is for one big drop. An arrest or just something that is so big they cannot lie to get out of it. I trust our President on how best to use the Declas.If he is getting leverage by not releasing it for now than fine I am with that. I am also ok with disinfo is necessary. However just once I would like to see something come out that is devastating to them . Something that MSM cannot counter or control and that will open the eyes of so many of the sheep’s eyes that follow the Dems . I know a lot has happened behind the scenes but these are things that only Anons know about . I wish we could see just one thing that is undeniable to the idiots who still believe that the Democrats are for the American people. I Know what Q says about having proper pieces in place but there has to be at least one thing they can bring out or do that at least turns the narrative in a way that they cannot lie their way out of . I also understand never interrupt an enemy while they destroy themselves but isn’t there something that can be put out to help them along . I am just tired of seeing the evil that they do and keep doing like they are above all. I just want One major slap in their face that will get us thru these times when we need to be patient bc it is hard. I am behind our President, our Country, Q and the Anons 100% I am just getting impatient for a drop that sends them reeling for months Again I just needed to say it Let the PAIN begin WWG1WGA