Anon got a crush on her way back in 2001. Solid.
Midterms are safe.
Retain control over senate. This means guaranteed confirmation of next SCJ. This is most important thing long term.
Voter Fraud
Needs to gain traction in media and peoples lives. Calling it out is first step. Adding Federal oversight is a good second step.
Third is educating the public that the point is not to WIN at any cost. You have to respect the results.
Border Wall
Is badly needed. Its too expensive to catch people in-country and deport.
Trade and Jobs
Better trade deals, tariffs. Build up domestic infrastructure and jobs jobs jobs.
Remove misinformation from media and educational facilities regarding trannies etc. Strenghten traditional family. This is vital long terms as well.
Marines getting big nods from POTUS.
Potus's remark says it all. Remembering the American Fallen. THAT is why he was there. Not to listen to Bullshit.
Because triangles are everywhere. It's not all fucking cabal symbolism.
Etc. Etc.
Freemasons were guarding fucking building instructions and geometry back when peeps were in the dark ages.
Like I said before. History repeats itself.
The serpent changes form (language and image) but remains.