See the future in order to save the past.
Congratulations anons! You're alive to see another day. Many of you are discouraged because you are not yet awake.
For years we have relied on energy/oil as currency. Your energy when you go to work generates your paycheck. Energy is currency!
The futures refers to the "stock market futures".
"The plan" is complex yet simple - the goal is to free the world from being slaves to the energy/oil industry.
Occams razor says this is all about money.
Money is the root of all evil.
Money is the cause of all wars.
"Save the past" is referring to your DNA.
Supply and demand rules the stock market.
Q's sheep no more is referring to humans.
Big Pharma Big Oil and the Deep State have been using humans, creating diseases like AIDs Ebola Cancer etc, in order to make people suffer so that they will be slaves to medicinces that pump billions of dollars into the global economy.
MoAb is monoclonal antibodies - Cures for Cancer, AIDs, etc have existed for years.
Instead of healing people, the Deep State made them sicker and sicker and sicker.
Your food and air have been intentionally poisoned.
Saving the past is saving your DNA which spans back millions of years.
The DEEP STATE wants to end your Bloodline, your future, your children, and create 'mutates' just like in the Marvel Comic books.
This is bigger than you could ever imagine and you are the proof!