Anonymous ID: bae4c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 8:53 a.m. No.3851263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1303 >>1464 >>1580

Macron Blasts Nationalism As "Betrayal Of Patriotism" While Trump Speaks With Putin


With President Trump already under fire as he attended the World War I centenary commemoration events in Paris for skipping a planned visit to Belleau Wood battlefield and cemetery due to heavy rain, French President Emmanuel Macron used the ceremony's culmination on Sunday to issue a firm condemnation of nationalism. Amidst a steady drizzle and just feet from world leaders including Presidents Trump and Vladimir Putin, Macron emphasized a theme which he said led to the irreversible build-up of tensions that caused the outbreak of WWI. Macron said:


“Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism, nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism.”


During Sunday's events Trump and Putin are reported to have had brief face-to-face discussions after the French previously requested that no formal sideline summit take place, Reuters confirms.


The French president followed this with: “In saying ‘our interests first and who care about the others,’ we erase what a nation has that’s most precious, what makes it live, what is most important: its moral values,” according to Bloomberg. Macron called for the strengthening of international institutions like the EU and U.N. and in comments simultaneously widely interpreted as "a rebuke to present-day leaders such as Trump who shun the international order in favor of nationalist policies."


“Let’s add up our hopes and not our fears,” Macron said. “Let’s reject the fascination for turning in on ourselves, violence, and domination.” Included among his examples were poverty, hunger, inequality, climate change, as well as general "ignorance" about global challenges.


Throughout the weekend events pundits remarked on what they perceived as Trump's "isolation" in contrast to Chancellor Angela Merkel frequently at Macron’s side. Just prior to landing in Paris Trump had blasted Macron on Twitter for his “very insulting” comments surrounding the idea of a "European Army" that would be independent of US influence and policy. Trump echoed during an amicable meeting with Macron at the start of the weekend's events: "We want a strong Europe, it's very important to us, and whichever way we can do it the best and more efficient would be something we both want," said Trump. "We want to help Europe but it has to be fair. Right now the burden sharing has been largely on the United States."

Anonymous ID: bae4c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 8:55 a.m. No.3851283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1384 >>1664

STUNNING! Criminal Palm Beach Elections Supervisor Accuses Trump and Rubio of “Trying to Disrupt Our Democracy” (VIDEO)


Following Tuesday’s election losses, Democrats ran a ballot production operation in Broward and Palm Beach Counties for several days.


On election night Governor Rick Scott was more than 80,000 votes ahead of Democrat Senator Bill Nelson.


Since then corrupt election officials in Broward County and Palm Beach County manufactured 83,000 votes.


Elections supervisor Brenda Snipes reported 634,000 votes on election night. Since then the number of manufactured votes in Broward County soared 83,000 votes.


In Palm Beach County elections supervisor Susan Bucher did not allow media cameras into the public ballot counting. Bucher did not allow Republican watchers into the counting room. She force d party officials to stand behind a glass window where they could not see the ballots. She continues to manufacture votes and last night she refused a court order to submit overvotes and undervotes to the Palm Beach County Canvassing Board to review.

Brenda Snipes and Susan Bucher broke the law in several ways.


Also, Susan Bucher:

*failed to comply with the law

*kicked out cameras

*privately duplicated ballots & can’t produce the originals


On Saturday Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher accused President Trump and Marco Rubio of “trying to disrupt our democracy” after officials shut down her illegal ballot manufacturing operation.


This woman needs to be thrown in prison.

Anonymous ID: bae4c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.3851301   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pete Hegseth UNLOADS on French Leader Macron: “We Saved Your Ass and Then You’re Going to Lecture Us?” (VIDEO)


After private talks with President Donald Trump French President Emmanuel Macron warned the global community of the dangers of nationalism in a speech aimed directly at the rising tide of populism in the United States and Europe.


President Trump is in France this weekend to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of World War I, the great war.


Over 100,000 Americans lost their lives in Europe during World War I.


Following his remarks FOX News host UNLOADED on the French president:


Pete Hegseth: It’s typical European arrogance. It really is. So we saved your ass. And then you’re going to preach to us? No really, that’s how Americans look at this. Twice we did. And you’re going to turn around and preach to us because we love our country, we love our flags, we love our military, we love our cops, we love our Second Amendment. We really believe in our First Amendment that somehow we’re the fascists? We’re the nationalists? This guy hasn’t read a history book. Doesn’t understand history… You want to have a relationship with these countries that you think are your allies and then they turn around and point a finger in your chest!

Anonymous ID: bae4c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 9:02 a.m. No.3851410   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Free world leader’ or ’globalist puppet?’ Internet split over Macron’s anti-nationalist comment


Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism, Emmanuel Macron said in his speech before the world leaders in Paris and caused a storm on Twitter, with the French President getting praise and bashing in equal parts.


Macron delivered a powerful address during the celebrations of the 100th anniversary since the end of World War I in the French capital on Sunday, with Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and other heads of state being among his audience.


“Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism,” the French leader proclaimed, adding that nationalism erases the most important thing for any country: “its moral values.”


With days of their ‘bromance’ far behind, Macron’s jab might’ve been well directed at Trump, who previously proudly declared himself a nationalist and promotes the “America First” agenda.


The Twitterati shared photos of what they believe was the US President’s annoyed reaction to the words of his French counterpart and discussed the few weak claps Trump gave to the whole speech afterward.


Macron’s speech resonated with many commentators, who praised his liberal views and called him one of the most important “leaders of the Free World.”


But it wasn’t only words of support for the French leader as many blasted Macron for being a “globalist puppet.” They also reminded of the influx of migrants to France, which led to the creation of whole Muslim ghettos and drastic deterioration of security in the country.


Those who treated the French leader’s words as an insult to Trump claimed that France would’ve never survived World War I and World War II without America. Therefore, Macron was in no position to lecture the US on any issue.





Anonymous ID: bae4c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.3851509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1557

Democrats find ‘thousands of new votes’ in Georgia, claim they’re ‘closing the gap’ for governor


In the Georgia gubernatorial race, Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp is facing Democrat Stacey Abrams, and has held the lead in vote totals so far. But on Twitter on Saturday, Georgia’s Democratic Party announced they had discovered “thousands of new absentee, early, and Election Day votes,” which had not been counted, and that are narrowing the gap.


The latest official count has Kemp ahead by over a percentage point. Republicans have maintained that there were not enough ballots left to be counted for Abrams to overtake. Democrats have argued that Kemp as Secretary of State has tainted the election results, to little challenge from the media, and are saying that Republicans are lying about the number of votes left to be counted.


That tweet, from Abram’s campaign manager Lauren Groh-Wargo, was retweeted by the Georgia Democrats.


Kemp resigned as Georgia’s Secretary of State on Thursday. Abrams has refused to concede.


In Florida, the Broward and Palm Beach County canvassing boards have been under intense scrutiny, and the state has officially gone to a recount, which is due by Thursday of this week. While the media is deeply offended that Republicans and Presiden Trump have suggested anything untoward could be happening in Florida, they have not had any criticism of Democrats in Georgia, who are accusing Republicans of trying to steal the election, of voter suppression, and more.


It is not clear if the votes for Abrams that have newly been discovered will tilt the result toward either recount or upset, or if there simply won’t be enough to overturn the outcome.

Anonymous ID: bae4c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 9:14 a.m. No.3851589   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Election official in Arizona’s Senate dispute represented figure in ‘Fast and Furious’ arms scandal


A county official in Arizona, whom Republicans accuse of destroying evidence to cover up “voting irregularities,” has previously defended the accused ringleader of a group of gun straw buyers in Operation Fast and Furious, the federal operation that led to the death of a Border Patrol agent in the state.


Before he was elected in 2016 as Maricopa County recorder, Adrian Fontes was an attorney representing clients in narco-terrorism and firearms scandals.


He is now at the center of a contentious vote-count procedure in Arizona's U.S. Senate race, where Democrat Kyrsten Sinema suddenly took a lead over Republican Martha McSally, thanks to votes mostly in Maricopa County.


The Republican Party objected to Fontes’ efforts to allow voters to confirm that they signed early ballots that were dropped off on Election Day, and criticized the official for opening emergency voting centers the weekend before Tuesday's election and for mixing disputed ballots with valid ones.


The accusations of improper procedures led to a deal between Republicans and Democrats being struck in court on Friday, giving all counties in Arizona until this coming Wednesday to address problems with ballots.


“Adrian Fontes intentionally put himself above the law and the judicial process,” Arizona Republican Party Chairman Jonathan Lines said in a statement before the agreement. “Such a man cannot be trusted to administer elections in Arizona. We are reviewing all legal options at this time and will continue to protect the rights of every legal voter in Arizona.”


"Such a man cannot be trusted to administer elections in Arizona. We are reviewing all legal options at this time and will continue to protect the rights of every legal voter in Arizona."

— Arizona Republican Party Chairman Jonathan Lines


Fontes, a Democrat, represented Manuel Celis-Acosta in 2011 following his arrest in Operation Fast and Furious, in which some federal officers aimed to sell firearms to Mexican drug cartels so the U.S. government could then track the weapons.


The accused man allegedly transferred around 2,000 weapons to the Sinaloa Cartel, including those that were allegedly used to kill Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.


But Fontes dismissed the role of the ringleader, saying the gun straw buyers – those who purchase weapons for those who cannot – were just “a bunch of kids” and not a “nefarious organization.”

Anonymous ID: bae4c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 9:15 a.m. No.3851608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1697

House Democrats Plan 'Aggressive' Gun Control Push As Soon As They Regain Control


Wasting no time.



House Democrats are planning an "aggressive" push to greatly expand gun control as soon as they take control of the House of Representatives in January, the Washington Examiner reports.


After a shooting at a California bar last week that claimed a dozen lives, Democrats have decided to shift (briefly) away from prioritizing several investigations into the Trump Administration and President Donald Trump, and focus, instead, on passing strict gun control measures, including universal background checks, a national ban on "high capacity magazines," a ban on "assault-style" weapons, and a provision that would allow law enforcement to temporarily confiscate weapons from individuals deemed a threat to themselves or others.


Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) told the Wall Street Journal last week that he intends on immediately pushing for the universal background check legislation, which would require gun retailers and gun sellers to register all gun purchases through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The effort would close what Democrats call the "gun show loophole," which they believe allows individuals to purchase guns in private transactions – at gun shows and elsewhere – without registering their firearms with any state or Federal body.


It's not clear how many more gun sales that system would record, given that most gun shows feature Federally licensed retailers who are already required to do background checks through NICS and disclose sales to the Federal government. Gun owners and gun rights groups also fear that a universal background check system could lead to a national gun registry.


Newly elected Democratic Rep. Lucy McBath (GA) is a former spokeswoman for Everytown for Gun Safety, the nation's leading gun-control advocacy organization, and is likely to join the push for a national gun registry and a national ban on "assault-style" firearms, even though Democrats have difficulty explaining what an "assault" weapons ban would outlaw.


Last week's shooting took place in a state, California, which has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. The shooter, a former Marine reportedly suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, obtained and used a "high capacity magazine" even though such magazines are banned statewide.


The efforts will likely have the support of presumed Speaker of the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who pledged last week to tackle gun control within days of gaining control of the House.


"The American people deserve real action to end the daily epidemic of gun violence that is stealing the lives of our children on campuses, in places of worship and on our streets," Pelosi told a press conference last week.


The efforts aren't likely to meet with success. President Trump has pronounced himself a fan of the Second Amendment, and despite Democratic control of the House, Republicans still retain a sizable majority in the Senate, and any bill would need to pass both Houses before becoming law.

Anonymous ID: bae4c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.3851658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1698

Poland – 200,000 Patriots March In Warsaw For Independence Day (Video)


The Polish celebration of their Independence Day this year is unique. It's been exactly 100 years since Poland reappeared on the maps of Europe.


The 100th anniversary of regaining statehood is also an important event from a political point of view. The ruling conservatives want to show that they are uniting right-wing circles (hence the joint March of Independence, in which both PiS representatives and marginalized right-wing nationalists were set to march).


Earlier this week, the liberal mayor of Warsaw had tried via court order to block the march, as she feared violence and racist banners. A judge denied her request, however.

Anonymous ID: bae4c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.3851679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1745

General Mike Flynn: It Is Time To Buckle Down And StandUp To Fight For Our Way of Life

Anonymous ID: bae4c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.3851715   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pelosi: Whitaker Appointment ‘Does Violence to the Constitution’


Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the appointment of acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker did “violence to the Constitution”


Pelosi said, “He should recuse himself for any review of the investigation because of statements he has made already in the public domain.”


She added, “There is bipartisan editorializing about this that he should have never been appointed and it does violence to the Constitution and the vision of our founders to appoint such a person in such a manner to be the chief legal officer in our country.

Anonymous ID: bae4c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.3851738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1753



  1. Feeds on fear and requires death and destruction to be maintained.


  1. Feeds on love respect and mutual success for all.