If anybody thinks the demonicrats arent evil, note that a mass shooting and three large, suspicious agenda 21-type fires broke out in California the day after more demonicrats were "elected," the sky turned dark, and the sun turned red. I've never seen the skies like thisโnever. Not good.
2018 has been an improvement over 2017. Glorious? Certainly not.
Sessions did what he was supposed to do, or he would have been fired much sooner.
hahaha what a fucking joke. Man vs. Manchild
CAL too.
Agree. Q lost a lot of credibility when the 1-year marker passed. If 11/11 passes with nothing truly remarkable, Q will be a joke.
Trump's Presidency itself will fail if he doesnt take decisive action immediately. Why doesnt he seem to grasp that him and his family are in a kill or be killed situation. Fuck normies, fuck the press, fuck demoncrats.
The results were bad and getting worse. Trump should have acted against the crooktards already. Now /they/ are burning down Cal and stealing elections.
All the fuckery that's going on across the country is directly related to lack of effective justice by the DOJ.
He should tell Trump. Trump controls the DOJ and the Military.
The Trump Admin is on the brink of failure. He better do something radical very soon, or he will be neutralized.
6-pack of shitty canned American beer, a bag of Doritos, and watch muh sportsball. Glorious.
Aus is what we'll be if Trump doesnt take radical actions soon.
Well, Trump isnt doing anything. Is he waiting for some vets to show up at an antifa riot and kill them all? The DOJ isnt doing its job. I give the Trump DOJ a D.
Yeah, sure. Red Tsunami and all.