has anyone been looking into who was on those planes?
why don't you try baking for once fuckhead? it's not easy to get the timing right especially when fuckheads like you are shitposting at a rate of 30 post/min. wait for the dough. no excuses.
wasn't here most of last bread - why weren't these put in notables..?
>>3852086 it takes human judgment and discernment to monitor the bread and decide what is notable. i don't think a bot can do that and even if it could anons wouldn't trust a bot with the job. again, if you have a problem with it, start baking yourself instead of showing entitlement for services provided for free. bakers don't have to be here baking for you.
▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/11/18 (Sun) 12:58:18 No.452
Let the unsealing begin.
Let the DEC[L]AS begin.
Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.
We, the PEOPLE.
Post last edited at 11/11/18 (Sun) 13:04:06
Q edited last post on /pf
it's too late, repost this next bread anon