Mindmaps are good to analyze connections, especially when you have different types of connections and some are weak while some are strong.
But Circular Flow Diagrams are useful as well when you specifically want to follow the money and answer cui bono? Who benefits? You map out the flow of money, valuable things and benefits and you usually find that there is a many stageflow that leads back to the origin. This is nothing less than picking apart the system of laundering stolen and embezzled money.
The relationship Mindmap helps with this but is not a total answer. And when we have the FULL picture because we have investigated all of the connections, then we can take remedial action. Along the way we should find a ton of laws and regulations that were created specifically to assist in the thievery and corruption. We can get those ones repealed. And when everybody can see the true picture, we can come up with changes to the Constitution (ammendments) and new laws that will prevent such organized crime networks from growing in the future.
And a truly free press will be needed to keep everybody informed going forward.