Fellow Patriots, I saw a couple posts recently where people talked about how these boards have changed their lives and I figured I'd throw my story into the mix, as I found their's inspiring. I had become an anti social recluse for the last 6 years or so after I discovered the degree to which our government was corrupted, and became disillusioned with the establishment. These intel drops and the realization that these people will finally get what they deserve has truly turned me around. I was a depressed, lonely, and addicted loser. I didn't have as dangerous addictions as heroin or opiates maybe, but outside of work all I did was play videogames, smoke weed, and fap like a degenerate. These posts (among other redpills/realizations that I know people who have been on the chans longer are familiar with) completely awakened my spirituality, resolve, strength, and determination. I am far better at my job than I have ever been, I have quit all of my vices for over a month now, I've picked up the violin as I realized I'd always wanted to learn to play, I started working out regularly with insanely fast results, and I am generally happier and more intentional with my social interactions with other people. It basically dawned on me that all of these bad habits are intended to distract us from our real potential (weed, video games, binge watching, etc.), and I strive every day to maximize my potential. I started going to church again, and reading my bible every day as well. I no longer dress like the slob I used to, and instead dress like a man.
I helped dig for a while, but soon realized that all my friends and family were going to have a seriously hard time coming to grips with these unpleasant truths. In order to help them wake up I realized I had to be a living example of the positive impact that these truths can have on someone's life. In turning my life around I have been able to redpill more and more of my friends and family, and help them see and understand what is happening.
I sill check here every day in order to stay caught up on the latest developments. However, my focus has turned to improving myself as I realized the best impact I can have is in awakening my loved ones, and the best way to do that is to prove how deeply I know all of this to be real. It is working anons, they see the changes in my life and know that something is different, and when they ask I fill them in (sugar coated red pills at first, of course).
In conclusion, if in following all of this you feel useless, or that you are just a bystander/onlooker, then perhaps you can work on yourself. Improve your own life so that those who love and care about you will be so impressed with the positive changes happening in your life that they will have to ask. This makes it incredibly difficult for them to reject what you are saying as truth, as only truths as profound as these could have such an impact on someone.
To those who are already sorted out, or who are working tirelessly here every day; I salute you. You are all patriots, you are are doing God's work. God bless you all, God bless Q, God bless Trump and team, and God bless America.