"Watch the Budget."
House Dems gearing up to protect Mueller via Budgeting Blackmail as reported by FauxNews a few minutes ago.
Boomerang, much?
remember: /Mueller/ is commanded by ..[[RR]].. because ]Sessions[ recused, now Whitaker can unleash the Mueller report and DEC[L]AS on a whim because well, he's the /UNRECUSED/ AG who doesn't have to defer to [[RR]]. All protected by law (appointment) stealth bomber about to bring down the HOUSE of Cards. (And [[RR]].)
Think logically: If Mueller had ANYthing tasty, we'd had heard about it. Why do Dems want to protect Mueller so much? Time. They think that after enough time they might find something to impeach Trump. Meanwhile, country goin' to shit under their House, maybe even Senate now (because fuck your vote,we will do anything to get Trump OUT.)
What a shitshow.