Anonymous ID: 389e4a Nov. 11, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.3854255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4352 >>4442 >>4591 >>4885 >>4974

We want to believe: ‘Russian hacking’ memo REVEALS how US intel pinned leaks to Kremlin


A newly-out memo containing the Obama admin’s talking points about “Russian hacking” in the 2016 election reveals how US spy agencies attributed email leaks to Kremlin by saying it’s “consistent” with what they think Russia does.


The seven-page document was contained within the 49 pages published on Friday by BuzzFeed, which obtained them through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) inquiry from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) in late October. At the root of it is a November 29 letter by several Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee, asking then-President Barack Obama to declassify documents concerning “Russian Active Measures.”


The claim that Russia directly interfered in the 2016 US presidential elections – by first hacking the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, and then releasing them through DCLeaks, WikiLeaks and the hacker known as “Guccifer 2.0” – was all the rage in Washington at the time, as Democrats sought to explain the fact that Clinton just lost to Donald Trump.


Obama did not declassify the documents. Instead, he apparently instructed DNI James Clapper to respond to the senators. Moving at the speed of government, the ODNI responded on January 27 – a week after Trump’s inauguration – saying that their inquiry resulted in the January 6 release of the intelligence community assessment (ICA) on “Russian activities and intentions.”


This ended up as the infamous report making all sorts of claims and accusations but offering no evidence – and prominently featuring an annex about RT dating back from 2012.


The talking points memo sent by ODNI to the Senate Democrats has not been previously published. Reading through it, one is struck by the circular reasoning of the US “intelligence community” – or rather, Clapper’s hand-picked group of CIA, FBI and NSA people charged with coming up with the assessment.


The US intelligence community is “confident” that the Russian government was behind the “compromises” of emails, because their release is “consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts,” the talking points say. In other words, this fits what US spies believe are Russian objectives, therefore it had to be the Kremlin doing it!


“We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities,” the memo goes on to say. Again, inference based on assumption, not evidence.


Blaming Russia for the hack of the DNC and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCC) was based on “the forensic evidence identified by a private cyber-firm” – meaning CyberStrike, a DNC contractor led by Atlantic Council fellow Dmitry Alperovich – and the spies “own review and understanding of cyber activities by the Russian Government.”

Anonymous ID: 389e4a Nov. 11, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.3854277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4442 >>4591 >>4885 >>4974

Over 5,600 Troops on Southern Border and ‘All Contingencies on the Table’


Troops ordered by President Donald Trump to secure the southern border of the United States in the face of a number of approaching migrant caravans have fanned out to several locations.


Pentagon officials said that about 1,000 troops have been deployed to the McAllen area of Texas, turning about 40 acres of barren land into a fully operational military base within a week.


“One of the most unique things, in my experience, has been the short notice of this,” Cmdr. Sgt. Maj. Matt Howard told NBC News. “Most folks didn’t even know this mission was going to exist.”


U.S. Army engineers in Donna, about 20 miles from McAllen, have built up barbed-wire fencing and a facility to house U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel and other officials.


“So really what it takes is a lot of teamwork to make something like this run,” said Captain Lauren Blanton, who helps coordinate the over 600 soldiers that run the base, according to CBS news.


The camp is equipped with massive housing tents and a fully functioning hospital.


Lieutenant Lee Dimaculangan told CBS that the medical facility can hold up to four trauma patients, and could be expanded if the need arose.

‘Border Security Is National Security’


“It’s a viable mission for us,” said Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, commanding general of U.S. Army North, according to the San Diego Tribune. “Border Security is national security.”


Of the more than 5,600 troops deployed along the southern border, 2,800 troops have been sent to Texas, 1,500 to Arizona and 1,300 to California.


In California, 1,100 Marines from Camp Pendleton have been deployed as part of “Operation Secure Line,” according to The Tribune. Its mission is to provide support to law enforcement, mainly by fortifying vulnerabilities along the border by such means as setting up barbed wire and patching compromised fences.


“We are going to be ready for them,” San Diego’s Chief Border Patrol Agent Rodney Scott told reporters during a news conference on Friday, Nov. 9, according to The Tribune.


The chief spoke of a caravan of migrants with “a propensity for violence,” and referred to video footage showing how at least one large migrant group overwhelmed military forces as it forced its way into Mexico from Guatemala.


“We are preparing for a different dynamic … because of what we’re seeing from the adversary this time, the threats we’re seeing in this group, it upped the game to make sure we were better positioned,” Scott said, comparing this caravan to previous ones.

Anonymous ID: 389e4a Nov. 11, 2018, 11:22 a.m. No.3854289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4310 >>4362 >>4568 >>4573 >>4591 >>4885 >>4974

Miami Ballots Counted, But Scores of Uncounted Ones Left in Opa-Locka Mail Center!


New Times Report:


Miami-Dade County announced today that it has finished counting votes for the 2018 election. But photos obtained by New Times show scores of mail-in ballots sitting inside an Opa-locka mail distribution center — the same center that was evacuated last month after alleged mail bomber Cesar Sayoc’s pipe bombs passed through the facility. Several local activists demonstrated outside both the mail facility and at the Miami-Dade County Elections Department to try to bring attention to the ballots.


Two sources who spoke with New Times allege hundreds of ballots might still be inside. Suzy Trutie, a spokesperson for the Elections Department, told New Times her office was aware of the ballots but:…e-10899192


As Americans are waking up, they are also seeing that history will give them the answers that no one, not even their mainstream news wants them to have. When it comes to elections, Florida is getting a reputation for questionable actions by those who have sworn oaths to uphold the law. It’s election time and things are not right in the state of sunshine and oranges!!! How many stories are the American people going to read about Florida, before they start looking at their own state and local governments???


It isn’t what party an individual, organization, or corporation supports, its their words and actions that show what they really stand for and the true content of their character!!!


How many Floridian’s have been let down by those who made promises and swore oaths to protect and serve them??? How many counties will have to have recounts, because there were those who wanted to win so bad they lost their honor and cheated???…ption+deep

Anonymous ID: 389e4a Nov. 11, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.3854314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4382 >>4489 >>4527

Trump gives highest U.S. civilian honour, the Medal of Freedom, to top GOP donor


U.S. President Donald Trump awarded the Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honour in the U.S., to seven individuals Saturday, both living and dead — one of whom has been the biggest donor to the Republican Party.


Miriam Adelson was awarded the Medal of Freedom. She is married to Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire Las Vegas casino magnate and another GOP megadonor.


The Adelsons recently contributed $113 million to GOP causes during the 2018 election cycle. Among those donations, the couple gave $25 million in July to the Senate Leadership Fund, $2 million in September to ESAFund, $3 million in July and September to the Republican Governors Association and roughly $40 million between May and September to the Congressional Leadership Fund, according to Politico.


They also gave $82 million during the 2016 election cycle to the Republican Party, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan research group, making them the largest donor to Republicans that year, too.

Anonymous ID: 389e4a Nov. 11, 2018, 11:27 a.m. No.3854386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4437 >>4442 >>4553 >>4591 >>4841 >>4885 >>4974

REPORT: James Comey Discussed Sensitive FBI Business On His Private Email Account


Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey used a private email account hundreds of times to conduct government business — "and at least seven of those messages were deemed so sensitive by the Justice Department that they declined to release them," The New York Post reports.


Like Hillary Clinton, whom Comey decided had broken no laws when she used her own homegrown server and email to send and receive classified information, Comey said he used the Gmail account only for “incidental” purposes.


But the Justice Department said that Comey and his chief of staff "discussed government business on about 1,200 pages of messages, 156 of which were obtained by The Post."


The Cause of Action Institute, a conservative watchdog group, filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit for Comey’s Gmail correspondence involving his work for the bureau. The Justice Department responded that there were an eye-popping 1,200 pages of messages for Comey and his chief of staff that met the criteria.


Justice released 156 of them but refused to hand over seven emails because they would “disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions.” And another 363 pages of emails were withheld because they discussed privileged agency communications or out of personal privacy concerns.


Cause of Action’s CEO slammed the former top G-man for minimizing the work he did using his private account. “Using private email to conduct official government business endangers transparency and accountability, and that is why we sued the Department of Justice,” said John Vecchione.


“We’re deeply concerned that the FBI withheld numerous emails citing FOIA’s law enforcement exemption. This runs counter to Comey’s statements that his use of email was incidental and never involved any sensitive matters.”


In one email, Comey recognized the irony of the FBI investigating Clinton for questionable email practices while he used his own private account to do the same thing.


Two days after complaining that his “mobile is not sending emails,” Comey asked an aide that the testimony he was to deliver to the Senate be sent on his private account — calling it an “embarrassing” situation.


“He [aide] will need to send to personal email I suppose,” Comey wrote. “Embarrassing for us.”


Lisa Rosenberg, executive director of Open the Government, a nonpartisan coalition that advocates for government transparency, said Comey’s practice of using personal email while investigating Clinton reeks of a double standard.


“It’s just so transparently hypocritical to have one standard for a person you are investigating and an entirely different standard for yourself when you are the one who’s enforcing the law,” Rosenberg said.

Anonymous ID: 389e4a Nov. 11, 2018, 11:33 a.m. No.3854505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4511 >>4544 >>4872

DOJ IG Report documents Robert Mueller’s bribery and extortion scheme


RE: Dept Justice IG report – Robert Mueller bribery, extortion


Online at the link below – is one of the last Dept. of Justice files Jeff Sessions read before resigning, a filing with DOJ Inspector Michael General Horowitz, made Thursday, 25 October 2018, by an ex-DOJ employee, on a history of crimes involving Robert Mueller.


One key take-away from the 28-page report, is that Mueller had received funds from a foreign criminal group seeking to damage the presidency, in a scheme involving defrauding millions from a Hillary friend and donor via Mueller’s law firm, from which Mueller richly profited, whilst two federal judges were bribed.


Another is that key media agitating against the President – NY Times etc – are doing so, in part because these media outlets fear felony indictment in the schemes with Mueller, due to having taken bribes to create ‘fake news’ for criminal purposes as they worked with Mueller’s law firm.


Extradition requests by the USA are being denied, given other governments have files on the Mueller-tied crimes, which prove corruption in both the US judiciary and DOJ.


Sessions was overwhelmed, and the file was part of the background in Sessions’ rapid resignation decision


Here’s the .pdf of the DOJ report online, which is now a significant part of behind-the-scenes discussion amongst the White House, DOJ and the Congressional Judiciary committees. You perhaps noticed the US President’s increased confidence re the ‘Mueller threat’.



Anonymous ID: 389e4a Nov. 11, 2018, 11:37 a.m. No.3854585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4617 >>4638 >>4885 >>4974

Not a fan of this sauce but the content speaks for itself


Florida Election Theft Blown Wide Open: Mueller Closely Connected to Cloudflare’s Joe Sullivan


Cloudflare’s Joe Sullivan, chief security officer attorney who controls Florida and Ohio Boards of Elections cryptographic keys via Cloudflare, worked for and prosecuted criminal cases with Robert S. Mueller, III in the DOJ Silicon Valley offices in 2000-2001.


Therefore, Mueller, DOJ and FBI have conflicts of interest in the Florida vote count, and recount. This relationship between Mueller and Sullivan implicates Mueller with massive UNDISCLOSED conflicts of interest involving the Facebook theft of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention, PayPal, eBay, Uber, Obama’s Cybersecurity Council (2016), airbnb and now Cloudflare, along with the obvious action of placing Sullivan in the global Certificate Authorities of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).


USA v. Avalar et al, DOCKET accessed Nov. 09, 2018, 01-cr-20069-JW-3 (CAND 2001),



Anonymous ID: 389e4a Nov. 11, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.3854617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4885 >>4974


