The tripcode functions as a cryptographic signature (a stronger signature than just typing the letter "Q" – not necessary!) Only the person with the correct password can generate the resulting tripcode.
It's Q, without a doubt.
The tripcode functions as a cryptographic signature (a stronger signature than just typing the letter "Q" – not necessary!) Only the person with the correct password can generate the resulting tripcode.
It's Q, without a doubt.
Website owners and anons may want to think about how to utilize those categories on derived websites. There will be a ton of info coming and it may be necessary to each assume responsibility for one category, if we can't keep up with the flood as a group.
If I had a Q publishing website I'd immediately start developing additional pages, one per category, in anticipation.
No problem. If you can withstand the pace & keep up, I salute you. Shills squealing, it may be their last chance. Some could get locked up/charged with sedition once M.L. sets in. It's not unthinkable. MI knows all of them.
If you want to control the ads, you buy advertising from 8ch and pay for whatever you want to see there. If you don't like seeing ads (I don't) then install an ad-blocker. AdBlockPlus for Firefox works great and I never see ads.
Various cases of USA (plaintiff) versus (some defendant). There are going to be thousands of these. Some of the defendants will appeal their lower court verdict. Such appeals will go into this category.
baker notable
>>3855353 Fulton County (GA) Numbers Show Massive Duplicate Ballots, Rejected Ballots, Non-Citizens Trying To Vote
>>3855498 Or Werner Erhard. All of them phonies, getting laid a lot by brain dead, starry eyed bimbos.