Anonymous ID: ac9985 Nov. 11, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.3855341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5364 >>5376 >>5393 >>5544


I know people make fun of this guy but his sauce was right on point with other sauce…so


and Q…your last hurrah…make it a good one….what better way to end it all (with nothing) or…to end it with a major WIN…good luck.


There is/was a very close call on POTUS's life meaning…too close for comfort as far as the plan went. Good thing there was lots of chatter about it (based on how angry certain people were POTUS did not go to the cemetery…) What it "looks" like from here….Anti zionist jews outed the assassination plan..which means we all know (((WHO))) was behind the plan.


Weasels gonna weasel…DECLAS? ants in their pants.


and what's this bullshit about equal justice under the law? With all the shit the FBI has been pulling off lately…I surely hope you're not depending on them…for anything. And thank goodness for Trump's personal security because the USSS…(again)…someone keeps "looking" like they're doing their job. That was WAY too close. Not feeling super comfy.


One wonders why Macron turned the worm…the little faggot humping Trump one visit and glaring the next. Wonder if "someone" told him the US was behind last week's plot to kill HIM?…(pic related) Cause that shit he said about protecting France from the U.S….and his incredibly stupid speech re nationalism….surely he knows the French people don't care if his wyfe is a beard..everyone knows.



Anonymous ID: ac9985 Nov. 11, 2018, 12:22 p.m. No.3855437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5457


>maybe the thumbs up from Vlad could also be the placeholder?

I think the thumbs up was more of a "congrats you survived another attempt" sort of thumbs up. Maybe Putin had something to do with the "alert"…

Anonymous ID: ac9985 Nov. 11, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.3855589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5666


>personnel in an org can really sabotage things if they are in key cargos.


There's a lot of traitors in the FBI…their own little sekrit cabal. Someone is afraid of them…for some reason otherwise….



>Who is David referring to?


>Why that is the Lord Jesus Christ….

I see stupid shit. If David knew his name why be so obtuse, just name the names. RIGHT?


Wait, wut? THE LORD SAID TO MY LORD…kek…god talking to himself or…something else entirely. I find it amusing that people claim something says something it doesn't say…and do all kinds of mental gymnastics to make sense of stupid shit like that.


The OT is full of references to THE GODS….plural. Mostly because they had very bad editors when stealing texts from a more ancient culture and attempting to make them relevant to themselves. IF Jesus is god why do they need more than one chair eh? KEK.

Anonymous ID: ac9985 Nov. 11, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.3855693   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>what's the sauce on Dilley

He was running for office in a AZ district. Got completely froze out of all debates etc by the cabal. I followed him along side Q during his campaign. Some sauce he dropped BEFORE Q some after. He didn't know what Q was at first. His followers told him.


As far as his campaign, I liked him. Plain spoken and very MAGA…but the folks round here called him egofag…he was running for office, of course he mobilized his followers. DUR. I was hoping he'd get in..but he didn't have the money…to fight the endless freeze outs. He's a good guy…and absolutely has a source.