Anonymous ID: d8838a Nov. 11, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.3855078   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Goddamn baker, (((shills))) are literally tripping all over themselves and revealing their real post numbers (by now, 50% of each bread).


SERIOUS brute force (((shilling))) in progress, desperate kike style.




> da4d47





(((shill))) list, their jewish/muslim and shareblue mouths give em away.


Godspeed, baker.

Anonymous ID: d8838a Nov. 11, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.3855123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5171







==LOAD UP on all memes and ammo newfags, anons, oldfags, PATRIOTS ALL=


MEMES at the READY like Q said


wait for the drop and declas to begin, and bomb the waves.


BREAK the msm once the declas hits, it will come in waves.


For those of us who are exhausted and tired, WE HAVE BEEN DOING EXACTLY what we were supposed to do.


Here's why the (((shills))), bots, algos, kikes and muzzies have been pushing 'we are russian bots' all this time.


That is EXACTLY what (((they))) and their shareblue pawns do. Repetition until people's minds give out from exhaustion and just accept whatever propaganda fabrication just to get with the flow. Basic shilling 101.


But now we all know why they are so heavily into repetition, to subvert our board culture, our minds and that of the public.


WE are/were acting as the OPPOSING FORCE against such repitition by BOMBING away at these topics (pedo, muzzy infiltration, (((msm))) and kikery control, NWO agenda, globalist brainwashing) for all this time. WE were BOMBARDING as Q team intended these topics people never even heard about or knew or cared into the public consciousness.


WE are now the ones doing the repetition, the forced exposure, to help the public SEE the TRUTH that (((they))) so hard to conceal and distract us all from with all their killings, false flags etc.


People are waking up more numerously than before.


midterms did little to change what is coming, because THESE NIGGERS are going to JAIL for VOTER FRAUD, TREASON, PEDOPHILIA, CHILD RAPE, TRAFFICKING, MUZZY TREASON AND SUBVERSION, etc.


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3c7fe2 No.1203057 📁

Apr 26 2018 20:48:19 (EST)



They are buying time.

National crisis.

Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.



MEMES at the READY for once the DECLAS begins.



Anonymous ID: d8838a Nov. 11, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.3855557   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(((every. single. time.))) as POTUS and Q are going to begin big events this week.


false flag narrative.

look here.

don't look over there.


narrative shift.

fucking less than 20,000 died since the 'unsolvable conflict' started from 1910s.

Twice that number die in US annually from gang crimes and car accidents.