Let's clear some things up that several anons are asking.
Replies get lost in fast breads.
>>3855485 lb
Civ & Non-Civ might refer to Civil suits and Criminal suits (2 of the primary categories of lawsuits). These are governed by different statutes, and and the cases are heard by different courts. (At least prior to the institution of M.L. … post-ML I don't know.)
USA v Def appeals
This would be the United States of America versus some unspecified defendant(s), who will be named as each suit is filed or revealed. Some of the defendants will appeal the lower court verdict and some of those appeals will go as far as the Supreme Court.
So that's what this placeholder is for:
[Placeholder - SC rulings re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ]
[Placeholder - SC rulings re: USA v Def appeals]
These are categories of information that will be revealed/published. Website owners who republish Q information will probably want to create separate pages or tables or categories to keep track of a vast flood of information that's coming. It can be divided into the categories given by Q.