Anonymous ID: c942c6 Nov. 11, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.3857296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7400 >>7450 >>7471 >>7523 >>7704 >>7915

FL Gov. Scott Takes Legal Action to Bar Broward County Canvassing Board From Including Ballots Counted After Noon Saturday Deadline


Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) filed two emergency motions in Broward County and Palm Beach County on Sunday as he ramps up his legal fight going into the recount.


Governor Scott also took legal action to bar the Broward County canvassing board from counting ballots produced after the Saturday noon deadline previously ordered by a judge.


The Hill reported:


Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) filed two emergency motions in Palm Beach and Broward County courts on Sunday, ramping up legal efforts as recounts began in the state’s contested Senate race.


The motions request that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and county sheriffs impound and secure all voting machines, ballots and tabulating devices when they are not in use.


Scott’s campaign also filed a complaint in Broward court asking a judge to bar the county canvassing board from including ballots counted after a noon Saturday deadline in the final vote tally.


“The Broward and Palm Beach County Supervisors of Elections has already demonstrated a blatant disregard for Florida’s elections laws, making it more important than ever that we continue to do everything possible to prevent fraud and ensure this recount is operated responsibly,” Chris Hartline, a spokesman for Scott’s campaign, said in a statement.


“Senator-Elect Rick Scott will continue to fight to protect the will of Florida voters.”


ALL Florida counties met the latest deadline on Saturday at noon to turn over their election totals.

Anonymous ID: c942c6 Nov. 11, 2018, 2:36 p.m. No.3857389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7437 >>7618 >>7796

Private ISRAELI Spy Firm Black Cube


Former Mossad Chief Joins Private Spy Firm Black Cube

Efraim Halevy, a former head of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, has joined the private intelligence company Black Cube as a member of its board of directors. Halevy will serve as the head of the client screening committee and act as a senior advisor on operational and intelligence matters, according to Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.

According to the report, Halevy, 83, could be elected as company president.

Halevy previously was the head of the National Security Council of Israel, an Israeli ambassador to the EU, as well as being the ninth Mossad director. The London-born spy chief also served as an envoy and agent for five Israeli prime ministers.


Founded in 2010, private intelligence company Black Cube has been the subject of attention recently, Haaretz reported. The company, often referred to as a "private Mossad," hires former intelligence operatives from various Israeli services, including Mossad, the Intelligence Corps (or Haman, the military intelligence), or Shin Bet (internal security service).


How They Do It– Israeli Spy Firm Black Cube ‘Regrets’ Helping Weinstein Suppress Allegations

The Israeli intelligence firm Black Cube, which reportedly helped Harvey Weinstein gather information on women accusing him of sexual harassment and assault, is sorry it agreed to work with the Hollywood producer, a company official said on Thursday. One account in The New Yorker article described two private investigators from Black Cube, using false identities, meeting with the actress Rose McGowan to extract information from her. McGowan has accused Weinstein of sexual assault.



Black Cube is a private intelligence agency, which is based in London, Paris and Tel Aviv,[1] and is the trading name of BC Strategy Ltd.[2] The company was founded in 2010[3] by former Israeli intelligence officers[4] Dan Zorella (in Hebrew: דן זורלא) and Avi Yanus (in Hebrew: אבי ינוס). Its employees include former members of Israeli intelligence units, including Aman, Mossad and Shin Bet, as well as legal and financial experts.

Black Cube’s main business is "litigation support", in which the company provides intelligence, evidence and advisory services in multi-jurisdictional legal and criminal cases.[2]

Black Cube's tactics have resulted in a number of international controversies. In Romania, two of its employees were convicted of criminal charges involving harassment and hacking.[5][6]


Just started digging into these guys will post more

Anonymous ID: c942c6 Nov. 11, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.3857618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7796


Black Cube


Cont. still digging


Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower Says Israeli Spy Firm Hacked Nigerian President

The whistleblower accusing Facebook of a massive data breach told the British parliament Tuesday that private intelligence firm Black Cube was hired to obtain compromising information on the president of Nigeria. Tel Aviv-based Black Cube denied the allegation by calling it “a flagrant lie,” and vowed to seek legal redress for Mr. Wylie's “defamation” of the company. Mr. Wylie said that the material collected by Black Cube was shared with AggregateIQ (AIQ), a Canada-based digital advertising firm, which spread videos on Facebook meant to link Mr. Buhari with Islamic extremism. “AIQ was handed material in Nigeria from Cambridge Analytica to distribute online,” Mr. Wylie said. “That's distribution of kompromat and of incredibly threatening and violent video content, which I've passed on to the committee,” he added, using a term borrowed from Russian that refers to politically damaging information. “Whilst we are flattered that we are seemingly being connected with every international incident that occurs, we will state that Chris Wylie’s testimony is a flagrant lie,” the statement said.,7340,L-3735126,00.html


Spy Firm Black Cube Adds Former Israeli Police Chief to Advisory Board

Yohanan Danino served as Israel’s top cop in 2011-2015 and is known for establishing Lahav 433, a police unit devoted to high-level fraud and corruption cases. Danino joins a cadre of former law enforcement and intelligence officials who are affiliated with the secretive company.,7340,L-3741766,00.html


Israelis arrested for spying on Romanian anti-corruption czar

Four Israelis, including two former Mossad agents, are being investigated in Romania for spying on the country’s chief anti-corruption prosecutor, according to a Romanian investigative journalism team.

Two of those being probed are former Mossad agents Dan Zorella and Avi Yanus, co-founders and directors of private Israeli investigation firm Black Cube, the report by the Rise Project investigators says. However, the company denies they are under investigation.

The other two, Black Cube employees Ron Weiner and David Geclowicz, have been arrested by Romanian police on suspicion of carrying out a series of cyber-attacks on Romania’s chief anti-corruption prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi.


Israeli intelligence firm targeted NGOs during Hungary’s election campaign

One person with knowledge of Black Cube’s work confirmed that at least one of the individuals who met and recorded a target of the operation is employed by the Israeli company.

In the Hungarian operation, people using fake names met with their targets at hotels and upscale restaurants in Budapest, Vienna, Amsterdam, London and New York City.

The companies they purported to represent did not exist. LinkedIn accounts and websites presented to the targets of the operation were deleted shortly after the meetings. Most of the phone numbers used were disconnected in the weeks following the meetings.

Anonymous ID: c942c6 Nov. 11, 2018, 3:01 p.m. No.3857759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7821

Western Media "Discovers" Saudi Atrocities in Wake of Khashoggi Fallout


Nothing illustrates the cynical and deceitful nature of Western "journalism" better than the recent, apparent US-Saudi fallout in the wake of the alleged death of Washington Post Saudi correspondent, Jamal Khashoggi.


Khashoggi allegedly disappeared and has been reported killed at the hands of Saudi consulate staff in Istanbul, Turkey. Of course, the US, UK, EU, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia are among the most dubious actors in modern geopolitics. Ascertaining the truth regarding the events surrounding Khashoggi may ultimately turn out to be an insurmountable task.


But the various narratives and reactions of Western political and media circles still provides us insight into the true character of Western international relations including extreme hypocrisy regarding human rights, the use and abuse of Western media platforms to selectively cover events around the globe to favor Western interests, and the ultimate fate that awaits other US "allies."


The New York Times Suddenly Notices "Overlooked" Yemen War


The New York Times in a series of social media posts and articles seems to suddenly notice the long list of atrocities Saudi Arabia is responsible for - including the ongoing war in Yemen. In a social media post published on Twitter, the New York Times would claim:


The Khashoggi crisis has called attention to a largely overlooked Saudi-led war in Yemen. On a rare trip to the front line, New York Times journalists found Yemenis fighting and dying in a war that has gone nowhere.


Of course, it is impossible that a newspaper as large, as prominent, as well-known and well-funded as the New York Times simply "overlooked" the "Saudi-led war in Yemen."


It was the systematic and concerted cover up by the Western media regarding the war - which began in 2015 - that provided Saudi Arabia the impunity with which it executed the war.



Attempts to decouple Western culpability from Saudi atrocities is an illustration of the immense duplicity and impropriety of Western political and media circles. But it is also a warning to the rest of Washington and London's "allies"- like the current regime in Ukraine - who believe their relationship and complicity with, as well as their obedience to the West affords them inexhaustible impunity.


It does not.


The West picks weak, dependent, and dysfunctional political, military, and economic partners specifically because their very nature serves as the perfect check to keep them under control and if need be, to dispose of expediently.


What's Really Behind the Khashoggi Fallout?


For now, it is unclear whether the fallout between the US and Saudi Arabia is real or imagined. The US and Turkey may be using Saudi Arabia to expunge their responsibility for their joint support of global terrorism alongside Riyadh, or perhaps to preemptively decouple from Riyadh ahead of a planned "Saudi" provocation against Iran.


Or Riyadh may have refused requests made by Washington and is now being pressured to reverse its decision.


So far, absent are the sort of aggressive steps taken when Washington faces a real enemy it seeks to inflict damage upon. Unlike with Russia when baseless accusations were made regarding election interference, the downing of MH-17, or the entire Skripal affair - there are no sanctions being discussed regarding Riydah. Weapons and US military support still flow to Saudi Arabia and the war in Yemen continues unabated, all while the US military continues providing Riyadh with defacto protection with its forces scattered across the Middle East.


Until these facts on the ground change, we may simply be witnessing geopolitical theater where Saudi Arabia is elected to play the "villain" and absorbs responsibility for years, if not decades of atrocities jointly committed with its Anglo-American sponsors. By doing so, the US can save face and leave Riyadh with the broken pieces of their collective and ill-conceived regional and global policies. Only time will tell.


One fact we can be certain of is that neither the US nor Saudi Arabia can be relied on for the truth. If the truth surrounding Khashoggi's fate ever does emerge, it will not be from the Western or Saudi media nor from representatives of their respective capitals.

Anonymous ID: c942c6 Nov. 11, 2018, 3:10 p.m. No.3857898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7927 >>7951

Rick Scott files motions to have police impound voting machines in Broward and Palm Beach counties


In Florida, Rick Scott’s campaign has filed motions for emergency injunctions to impound the voting records and equipment in Broward and Palm Beach counties. The first against Brenda Snipes, the second against Susan Bucher, both in their official capacities.


The campaign cited the “continued antics, failures and willful disregard of the law by Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes and Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher” in filing to have the records and machines put under police supervision.


The Daily Beast’s Dominic Holden posted screenshots Sunday afternoon.


Scott campaign spokesman Chris Hartline said on Sunday that “the Broward and Palm Beach County Supervisors of Elections has already demonstrated a blatant disregard for Florida’s elections laws, making it more important than ever that we continue to do everything possible to prevent fraud and ensure this recount is operated responsibly.”


Marc Elias, attorney for Bill Nelson’s campaign, called the move a “stunt” and accused Gov. Scott of “seeking to throw out lawful votes and seize the voting equipment in order to win an election.”


The Scott campaign has already won one election lawsuit related to Tuesday’s vote, with a judge finding that Broward’s Supervisor Snipes violated the law and the state’s constitution.


Palm Beach County’s Bucher has already said on Sunday that it is “impossible” for the county to meet the recount deadline, which is this Thursday.