The greatest trick the devil ever made was to convince the world he didn't exist.
Time is being wasted and if you can’t make out what’s really going on here then you are lost and won’t be found.
There is an operation at play here but it’s not the operation that you believe it is. No matter what you are told, this only finishes with the same result in end. THINK! Everything is going to plan no matter the direction (if you follow blindly). RED or BLUE, no matter who’s in power, no matter if know or don’t know, and know matter if they agree or disagree to follow. Everything has been accounted for. Many are oblivious and don’t even know that they are pawns.
When RFID was first introduced there was a purpose for its use. When many started to catch on to that purpose, a change of direction needed to be taken. What was that change of direction? How are they watching your every move now? Do you really believe they are intending take down social media companies? What is something you carry all the time? What is the real intent to have the social giants around? THINK!
When the internet was given away, what was the real goal? What have you been told about the people you despise, what has enraged you about their “actions”, and what is the perception your movement now has on others? How will this all benefit them now? Will the internet remain for “free speak”? What new laws are being pushed to curb free speech on the internet and as a result of what – or should I say who? THINK!
Prior to the inception the internet, journalist used a medium to inform and educate others, every time they lost control of that medium to those in power, the sheep would eventually gain a new source for information and bigger insight, but the wolves are always looking for new ways to control. Subtlety is key. Voter fraud – intended or not? If intended, what becomes of this? What control do they want and who do they want to control?
Heed my warnings. This isn’t about fear mongering. There is no stopping what’s to come but there is a lot more to lose here than you will ever know should things continue as they have.
Why does the goal post keep moving? Why haven’t you seen the results that you’ve been promised. Why does delay after delay keep on coming. What are the distractions and what is really the focus? Diversion? Target? Control?
Re-read what you are given. What’s the real perspective? Who’s God?
What is really the real focus here? A↑A↑S↓B↓
You don’t have to believe what they believe in, they just need to keep you in control (by any means necessary). Is the plan really to bring down the cabal or is it to gather up the sheep?
I can’t keep giving you more on this.
AI – What is key to AI? What does it comprise of? Why are social media companies important to this? Who is focused on creating them? What is the real goal? What has China implemented and how does it work?
5G – What is the focus and is it laser focused? What do you really know about the wavelengths?
Chemtrails – Why are they made from? Why is this vital to 5G?
SpaceX – Who are those involved? Which countries? Satellite orbits form what (you’ll be shocked)?
Economy – You will see countries move away from the dollar. Why?
Crypto – What’s the real intent for this? What do you really know about its inception? What is the real intent for FedCoin? You’d be surprised to find out that you are already using this. How?
Blockchain – Who really created this and what is the real goal for its– to track money? Don’t be fooled.
There’s far more to list than what is given but I can’t list them. If you look hard enough, one will lead you to the other so it really doesn’t need to be said. There’s even more to uncover if you know military persons in high ranks, though most are out of the ring of knowledge. Those that know will tell, but only if they know you are aware of what’s really going on.
Aliens/E.T do not exist so then why do many believe in them? Why am I telling you this? Who created the lie? What is the real origin? If you can’t figure out why they need you to believe in this, then you will miss what’s really in the sky.
I can’t keep giving you information on this. All that I am giving you here is only scratching the surface. Truths and halve-truths are all that you have been given in those posts but the lies are more twisted and intertwined, and far bigger than what’s real. Weaving spiders are at work, but the fly’s are not the real prey. They pray to a power yet to be seen and whether you believe in it or not is not important. The shot heard around the world will make you believe.