These are Billionaires & Millionaires That Created Their Own Shit Hole…Time For Them To Pay For Their Own Negligence and Incompetence!
Why In Hell Would You Pay For Your Irresponsible Neighbor Kid's Credit Card Bill? No Difference.
California Residents: Most of the following have residential property in California or work there. Some of these assets are annually…..
Oracle Larry Ellison $$$47 Billion
facebook Mark Zuckerberg $40 Billion
Google cofounders Larry Page $33.3 billion & Sergey Brin $32.6 billion
Realestate Donald Bren $15.2 billion
Google Eric Schmidt $9 Billion.
Oprah Winfrey $4 billion-annually
Steven Spielberg net worth – $3.6 billion
Tom Hanks – $390 Million
Jimmy Kimmel – $35 million
Robert De Niro $300 million
George Clooney – $180 million
Miley Cyrus – $200 million
Ellen DeGeneres – $200 million
Johnny Depp – $400 million
Steven Spielberg – $3.6 billion
Jerry Brown $4 million
Katy Perry $83 million
Jim Carrey $150 million
Barbra Streisand's $400 Million
Cher $305 million
Peter Fonda $40 million
Jane Fonda $200 million
Alec Baldwin $65 million
Rob Reiner $60 million
Rosie O'Donnel $100 million
Kathy Griffin $20 million
Harvey Weinstein $300 million
Tom Steyer $1.6 Billion
California: The Physical Collapse Of A Social State
Top Four Reasons Why California Is Unsustainable….
Socialist bad choices leaves California possibly 2.3 Trillion (estimated to be more like $3 Trillion, now) in DEBT…This is what happens when you vote in.
California also is among the highest taxed states in the nation.California has the highest income tax rates.
"California has the highest debt-to-income ratio in the country.”
“the state is run for the very rich, the very poor, and the public employees.” It is also how California found itself with the worst poverty problem and why “California ranks dead last among U.S. states in quality of life, according to a study by U.S. News.”
The streets of several California major cities polluted with feces and Hypodermic needles…but what is the major priority of this 3 Trillion Dollar In Debt Social State…Ban Straws and NO ICE
There have been over 16,022 complaints made about ‘feces,’ and thousands of others made using words like ‘sh*t’, ‘poop’ and ‘excrement’, to San Francisco’s municipal authorities.
Back in January 2017, California's real debt was $2.8 TRILLION Dollars (more like 3 Trillion, now) …how long before the entire state collapses???
San Franfeces…How's that Socialism working out for you???
-$3 Trillion in DEBT
“Tent Cities”
"Twenty pounds of feces dumped onto sidewalk,"
“ Record 136,826 Homeless”
–Record homeless, #1 California: 136,826 Homeless, now beats New York, tent cities, feces, streets litered with hypodermic needles and filth.
–Democrats, Now Socialists turn every place into a shithole, literally! San Francisco Residents Make 16,000 Feces-Related Complaints To City, Including 20-LB Bag Of Poop On Sidewalk.
–NYT: California Today: State’s Homeless Population Drives National Increase. This year that number reached nearly 554,000 — a 1 percent increase from last year, driven by the "dramatic surge in West Coast cities". More than one-quarter of the total homeless population nationwide lives in California, roughly 114,000 (Dec 21, 2017).
–California highway workers face 'buckets of human feces,' Urine and (Heroin & Synthetic Opiate Syringes-can you guess who brought those in???), as homeless crisis & clean up costs skyrocket.
–Poverty: Top 10 Cities With the Most Homeless People are all Democrat Controlled and the homeless continue to grow. Commie California has the most cities on the list with the most homeless. Open Border, Illegals, Sanctuary Cities, Welfare & Felon Magnets, Cater and appease to both legal & illegal minorities, over whites. Out of control spending, over-priced housing, high cost of living …huge taxes, businesses leaving due to high taxes etc. “they worked full-time jobs but still couldn’t afford to rent!”….and of course: Cheap synthetic Heroin & Synthetic Opiate Addictions—can you guess who brought those into our country???) (2017)
–Record homeless, #1 California: 136,826 Homeless, now beats New York, tent cities, feces, streets littered with hypodermic needles and filth.