Anonymous ID: 3da2a4 Nov. 11, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.3859510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9527



Let me ask you a hypothetical series.


What if humans didn't have to fight for limited resources?

What if people had zero outside influences on their decision making?

What if there were no motive to prosper yourself at the cost of hitting another person?

What if we absolutely freed everyone from forced situations that they are not naturally comfortable with?


I think would find that humans naturally segregate by race, with no outside pressure, no shame involved at all, people will naturally find that equilibrium. This has to be Globally done all functioning in complete freedom.


The situation we have lived in has required us to fight one another for our very own survival. It's been purposely done, everyone has the exact same enemy and they simply don't realize that yet. Cut ALL the strings, no censorship, allow everyone to go back to their homeland, here again no fighting for resources.


Every nation should be a Nationalist nation. Trade deals then become PEACE deals. The only taxation would be from tarrifs, no income tax, no sales tax. Simplify everything to the lowest number of variables. That's the existence I want.