Anonymous ID: 47da65 Nov. 11, 2018, 5:23 p.m. No.3859817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9963 >>0171 >>0243

WTF is going on in the UK?


No show in France. Foreign minister going to try and stop the Yemen war. Then the MSM leaking May's speech.


UK Media Leaks Main Points of Upcoming PM Speech About Russia Relations


UK Prime Minister Theresa May will once again criticize the Russian policy during the Lord Mayor’s banquet speech on Monday but will add that London still wants to have better relations with Moscow.


May will particularly once again criticize Russia for its alleged involvement in poisoning former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the UK city of Salisbury as well as praise the coordinated international reaction to this incident.


“Together with our allies, in response to the attack in Salisbury, we coordinated the largest ever collective expulsion of Russian intelligence officers, fundamentally degrading Russian intelligence capability for years to come. And our law enforcement agencies, through painstaking investigations and cooperation with our allies, produced the irrefutable evidence that enabled our Crown Prosecution Service to bring charges against those responsible,” May is going to say, as quoted by The Guardian newspaper.


The prime minister will note that the collective response measures was a sign of the Western countries’ will to protect their values and democracies.


“In these actions, we have seen the impact of international unity and a collective response to these threats. We have shown that while the challenge is real, so is the collective resolve of like-minded partners to defend our values, our democracies and our people,” May will say.


At the same time the UK prime minister will point out that London still wants to have better relations with Moscow.


“This is not the relationship with Russia that we want,” May will add.

Anonymous ID: 47da65 Nov. 11, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.3859862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9880 >>9963 >>0171 >>0243

Plan unveiled to microchip ‘hundreds of thousands’ of UK employees at major companies



Under the guise of security and convenience, a Swedish company wants to microchip hundreds of thousands of employees at British companies.

Who’s doing this?


The company, Biohax, is working with a number of UK legal and financial firms are negotiating programs to implant staffers with the devices, according to The Telegraph.


“One prospective client, which cannot be named, is a major financial services firm with ‘hundreds of thousands of employees,’ ” the report stated.


”These companies have sensitive documents they are dealing with,” Jowan Osterlund, the founder of Biohax and a former professional body piercer, told the news outlet. “[The chips] would allow them to set restrictions for whoever.”


A syringe is used to place the chip in an area between the thumb and forefinger, according to the report. Osterlund said the procedure is similar to ear piercing and takes “about two seconds.” The microchips operate via “near field communication” technology, similar to what is used by no-contact bank cards.


“In a company with 200,000 employees, you can offer this as an opt-in,” Osterlund told the Telegraph.


Biohax teamed up with Wisconsin-based Three Square Market in 2017. The company became the first to offer microchips for free and about 50 signed up for the trial, according to the report.


In addition to controlling access to restricted areas, the microchips are billed as way for employees to speed up tasks such as accessing company printers or buying food from the company cafeteria.


Osterlund claims interest in the devices is so strong that he plans to open an office in London next year.


In Switzerland, an estimated 4,000 people are implanted with microchips, including about 85 of the 500 people employed by Tui, a travel operator. Biohax also has bout 800 customers use the chips for travel instead of using a train ticket, according to the report.

What’s behind this?


Osterlund claims the microchips are just a community service that he offers. He told the Telegraph people who don’t like the idea are on a “learning curve.”


“If this came from a government, I’d be like yeah, you know what, no that’s not going happen,” he said. “We’re a private actor, we’re doing this with our community, for our community.”

Anonymous ID: 47da65 Nov. 11, 2018, 5:48 p.m. No.3860213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White House: Trump Had Productive Discussions With Putin, Other Leaders in Paris


US President Donald Trump discussed a number of issues, including the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), trade as well as situation in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, China and North Korea, with foreign leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said.


"Today at lunch, the President sat with [French] President [Emmanuel] Macron, [German] Chancellor [Angela] Merkel, and President Putin, and many other world leaders. The leaders discussed a variety of issues, including the INF [treaty], Syria, trade, the situation in Saudi Arabia, sanctions, Afghanistan, China, and North Korea. They had very good and productive discussions during the two hour lunch,” Sanders said on late Sunday.


Over 60 heads of state and government, including Trump, Putin and Merkel gathered in the French capital on Sunday for a military parade and a peace forum organized by Macron marking the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I.