Anonymous ID: 533093 Nov. 11, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.3859656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

At any given moment, no matter the radio or TV station in Los Angeles, watching and listening to the coverage of the LA fires is never without cabal programming and reinforcement of the liberal agenda. Climate change is the big buzzword, often used the LA Fire Department Chief, Daryl Osby, as an explanation for the intensity and frequency of recent fires.


Any student of Los Angeles fire history, especially those who have lived here for over 30 years (cough cough), will have a mental Rolodex of fire memories. Year after year, some really bad, some just convenient excess fuel burning. There's a reason why they refer to the fall months across California as fire season. Then comes flood season, then summer. Just 3 seasons. Malibu is hit with fires on a regular basis. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Don't make me post a video I made in 2006 of one of those Malibu fires, or the disastrous rains that followed a few months later.


I also feel the need to point out that the LAFD Chief is black, a glorious refection of the glorious atmosphere of diversity Los Angelinos embrace.


At 10am this morning on the ABC7 TV news coverage of the LAFD press conference, it seemed as though every possible public figure was present and given time to give their "acceptance" speeches. Within minutes of the beginning of the press conference, wind began to pick up, as wires, papers, clothing and hair began to whip around. On a split screen, a new fire had erupted, with helicopter camera images of smoke and fire moving toward homes. On and on the politicians droned, while homes and property were being threatened. Afterwards, an exasperated radio news couldn't help but comment on the obvious disastrous imagery of that overly long press conference taking up valuable TV and radio reporting time during the new threat. That radio station he works for (KNX1070am)? They created and play a sound clip introduction to their fire coverage that sounds like a movie announcer plugging a big dramatic blockbuster, "Los Angeles Burns!" complete with sound effects. Disaster porn.


You can confidently assume that anyone in public office in Los Angeles is compromised and corrupt to one degree or another. Feel free to dig on the LAFD and surrounding county fire departments. They need that federal disaster money!

Anonymous ID: 533093 Nov. 11, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.3860074   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Happy Veterans Day! This morning on a dog walk along a busy street somewhere in Los Angeles, I walked past a framed portrait propped against a street sign post. I lifted it up to see who it was. Turned out to be General Pershing, of WW1 fame. A cut out paper biography from an old magazine was taped to the back. It could have been anyone - James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth Taylor - all the usual suspects you find in the land of idol worshipers. It turned out to be General Pershing, and I was the one to see it, and take it home with me. I hear you knocking, Lord. And thank you Q.