>What is most valuable?
>The flow of information is vital.
TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE.
>Who can WE TRUST?
>Trust is not blind, nor is truth.
>Trust must be earned.
>Why is this relevant?
>Who can we TRUST?
>Trust Sessions.
>Trust (name).
Define: Trust
Black's Law Dictionary: 2nd Edition
— Publio trust. One constituted for the benefit either of the public at large or of some considerable portion of it answering a particular description ; to this class belong all trusts for charitable purposes, and indeed public trusts and charitable trusts may be considered in general as synonymous expressions. Lewin, Trusts, 20
>Trust Sessions.
— Passive trust. A trust as to which the trustee has no active duty to perform. Goodrich v. Milwaukee. 24 Wis. 429 ; Perkins v. Brink-lev. 133 N. C. 154. 45 S. E. 542; Holmes v. Walter, 118 Wis. 409. 95 N. W. 380, 62 L. R. A. 986,
>Trust (name).
—Active trust. One which imposes upon the trustee the duty of taking active measures in the execution of the trust, as, where property is conveyed to trustees with directions to sell and distribute the proceeds among creditors of the grantor; distinguished from a "passive" or "dry" trust.
(name) = (placeholder) = Whitaker