Anonymous ID: db69c3 Feb. 15, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.386352   🗄️.is 🔗kun



One of the pages from Delta Anon's posts on how to build the map. She outlines it all there. It's posted above.


What Are the Connections?


I apologize for the banal answers I posted, but I was merely trying to make a point. The connections between these individuals to be arrested as part of OP -14 are all tied to the Muslim Brotherhood/Soros in some fashion or another. Now read all the surrounding posts from the same day, November 5th. You will find a pattern. Many are other “angles” of the same underlying connection, Muslim Brotherhood/Soros. You can use this site to search keywords to get even more info: https:// Read, reread, and if so inclined, meditate upon them. Some of you guys are so talented you could make those word map/graphic things that make repeating words stand out. In this case, my intuition told me most were members of Congress. Thus, let’s create a list of 14 possible suspects based on the Q post:


  1. MA = Mark Amodei - Though a Republican, this guy is a supporter of amnesty for illegals.



  1. JA = Justin Amash - Another Soros connection, this guy states he would back Comey over Trump. http://


  1. JK = Jared Kushner - His initials are right in the Q drop…Makes me very heartbroken for Ivanka, though. She’s an amazing woman.


  1. AB = Ami Bera - Soros supported this guy right out of the gate. http://


  1. JG = John Garamendi - “…Democratic supporter and financier George Soros may provide secret funding in the congressional election to support Garamendi.” https://


  1. MH = Mazie Hirono - Fake birth certificates anyone? Also, her idea of immigration reform is to let everyone and their brother come on in… https://


  1. HK = Kamala Harris - She’s the darling of the Dems for 2020. http://


  1. PZRAH = Prince Zaid Al Hussain - High Commissioner for Human Rights. Muslim Brotherhood? http://


  1. CM = Claire McCaskill - a swamp rat having been in for more than a decade. https://


  1. CW = Bonnie Watson-Coleman - Says “says travel ban an illustration of how unfit Trump is.” ’http://


  1. JC = James Clyburn - came into Congress in 1993. http://


  1. AS = Adam Schiff - this one is a dead ringer….


  1. DWS = Debbie Wasserman-Schultz - the list is endless….


  1. EW = Elizabeth Warren - we know what she’s been up to…..


Obviously, I cannot say for certain if these are the bad actors involved, however these are my current best bets. The list has changed up a bit over time as I’ve meditated on things. Only Q can confirm these candidates, so please refrain from disseminating this information online at this time. My intuition is good, but not perfect and I don’t want us to spread false information which damages our credibility. Some of the other posts, however, are more specific about potential candidates. Let’s look at one of those next….