Anonymous ID: 10b250 Nov. 11, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.3860750   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0846



Nice attempt, but your not very good with words.

I refer to the media ONLY in the last word of my rant, as a correlation between watching a movie or getting the Cliffs Notes of said movie, not a "mental construct…forcing you to be passive", which by the way is lame way to say watching TV.

My message is true. There be no "breaking" of any event, if said event is broadcasted everywhere. Im watching the football game right now. I am NOT breaking news of a Dallas penalty, just because I post it first. Dum Dum.

We PlaneFags give information to archive in hopes that it may have been an insight to an event later published.

I use no jedi mind tricks, and if you think so, than your mind is easily manipulated.

Enjoy the show.

Anonymous ID: 10b250 Nov. 11, 2018, 6:39 p.m. No.3861009   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1026



Just like when Q posts, and 50 people cap and post it, thinking they are showing everyone something for the first time, if it's open source, and more than a minute old (this board, more than 15 seconds) than you're not breaking any news. Your just letting people know something that other people know also. As for your link, I ain't clicking that shit homie!

Friendly Fire

peace n love