Anonymous ID: 8059c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 5:59 p.m. No.3860365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0478 >>0494 >>0517 >>0519 >>0530 >>0534 >>0599 >>0614 >>0650 >>0653 >>0682 >>0721 >>0734 >>0831 >>0927 >>0942 >>0998 >>1004 >>1052 >>1066

Analysis on AWAN, SECRET PARDONS, and the LONG GAME:


The AWAN case is a major head-scratcher. Why is this guy not locked up for life for SO MANY OBVIOUS CRIMES?


I think I found the answer, and it may be the key to unlocking the door to the truth – specifically, what's really been going on for the last two years since November 2016.


If you study or even peruse the AWAN indictment (see sauce below), you will find that a fair chunk of the allegations take place AFTER January 20, 2017. Of course, January 20, 2017 was the final day of the HUSSEIN regime and the first day of Making America Great Again.


Why is this significant?


HUSSEIN's pardon power – the ability to wipe the slate clean on any FEDERAL crime – ended on January 20, 2017.


AWAN is a key player (think Pakistan, DWS, Heroin, IT / hacking, human trafficking, blackmail). HUSSEIN pardoned AWAN. SECRETLY. On what basis can I say this?


Article II, Section II of the U.S. Constitution holds that the President "shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment." While legal scholars can argue about self-pardoning, there is NOTHING in the Constitution that requires a president to make a pardon known to the PUBLIC. Moreover, the only reason a secret pardon would ever become public is if the individual who was pardoned needed to use the pardon in response to a criminal proceeding. AWAN was secretly pardoned and we were never told (we didn't need to be told under the Constitution).


The AWAN indictment seems almost laughable given what we know about his activities. But because the bank fraud and related offenses stretched from HUSSEIN's term and was ONGOING into President Trump's term, the bank fraud was chargeable notwithstanding the HUSSEIN SECRET PARDON. And AWAN had no recourse to his secret pardon.


The AWAN indictment appears to confirm that AWAN received a SECRET PARDON from HUSSEIN. Why else would AWAN not be charged with so many more obvious crimes?


And why would POTUS be talking about secret pardons? He was drawing our attention to the issue of PARDONS to make sure we understood that the president (not just him, ANY PRESIDENT) can pardon himself and could do so without anyone knowing.


It can be reasonably assumed, then, that HUSSEIN pardoned himself and many, many others, including AWAN, DWS, HRC, BC, JC, LL, HOLDER, et al.


But those SECRET PARDONS carry no weight for crimes committed after January 20, 2017.


So what have the last two years been about? POTUS, Sessions, et al have been laying traps for NEW crimes. They needed to make bad actors commit NEW crimes to bring them to justice. The recent ELECTION FRAUD is probably a key to bringing down many of them. ELECTION FRAUD is a conspiracy that would implicate a vast number of people (one person can’t fill out and swap tens of thousands of ballots, unless it’s electronic). As we know, NO NAME dug his own grave for treason. Perhaps this is where HILLARY and HUSSEIN will end up, too, but there may also be smaller crimes to nab them on (like AWAN) in the mean time.


Politically, they can be ENDED at any time with DECLAS. But for JUSTICE to be served, a trap had to be set and a game had to be played. POTUS played dumb and gave them the MUELLER show, and they took the BAIT (How do you catch a fish?). If this is true and I can figure it out, then so can the corrupt, treasonous lawyer brigade for the other side. Therefore, it looks like we are in the end stages of the game, or at least entering a vastly different phase.


No one has been arrested yet because they all got pardoned. WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR NEW CRIMES. The text and circumstances surrounding the AWAN indictment are consistent with this conclusion.




// AWAN Indictment PDF:$/$/$/$/$/$


// POTUS Tweet ("As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!"):


// POTUS TWEET ("While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us.FAKE NEWS"):

Anonymous ID: 8059c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.3860902   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Some options for POTUS.


1) Prosecute them for NEW crimes (including treason for colluding with enemies like Iran);

2) Sue HUSSEIN in a CIVIL lawsuit (POTUS has standing because he was injured by their surveillance, etc. and pardons do not touch civil lawsuits); and

3) Sue Hillary and many others (see #2 above)

Anonymous ID: 8059c3 Nov. 11, 2018, 6:37 p.m. No.3860976   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Pardons are retroactive not prospective.


Put another way, a pardon applies to PAST CRIMES.


NIXON was pardoned for PAST CRIMES, and his pardon applied to FUTURE PROSECUTIONS


A pardon cannot apply to FUTURE CRIMES