Anonymous ID: 8aa72a Nov. 11, 2018, 6:10 p.m. No.3860559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0585 >>0721 >>0942 >>0998 >>1057 >>1062

Updated info re: Chinese tanks hidden in Mexico:


The Chicom tanks hidden in Mexico are actually miniatures, one third the size of a US army Sherman.

The Chinky tanks are crewed by very small midget Chinese women who have been specially bred in Tibet by president Xi.


In fact, they all look like mini me President Xi, as they are clones, hatched in specialized bioware labs using his spermatazoa.


The 3 breasted Chicom midget women will be dropped in from a Chicom orbital platform that is in Geo Sync orbit over Chihuahua, Mexico.

Inserted into tanks and powered up, they will head North, taking no prisoners. Route 45 up to El Paso, then onwards till Denver.

Fuel dumps are hidden in Carson National Forest.


That's all I can say at present, as my mole inside the agency has had to go full stealth mode till the Cali fires wind down.


Stay frosty, Patriots.