Anonymous ID: 184bd0 Nov. 11, 2018, 6:48 p.m. No.3861129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1190 >>1303 >>1486 >>1585

UPDATE SEP 24 2012: We received an email from a reader who found a post on the GodLikeProductions forum. The post, titled The Lowdown on Chinese Troops in Mexico, is from a direct relative of an Intelligence officer that works for the Australian Defence Signals Directorate and who has direct contact with CIA and NSA employees that work at the Super Secret Pine Gap Facility in the Australian Outback. Pine Gap works in tandem with the NSA and CIA as well as the SIS and MI6 by monitoring satellite communications. In fact the entire Echelon system is run through these very agencies.


Due to the importance of the information provided by this intelligence officer's brother, CRN® has decided to reprint the post that we retrieved from GLP in full here. This is the very proof, human intelligence that is, that gives us a broader scope and magnitude of the Chinese military operations in Mexico at present time. We will also be updating the report with this very information soon.


This is from awhile ago. Thought it was interesting that this was from 2012 AND there is a show about PINE GAP IN AUS. WTF. SAW that an anon was watching a show about this very same thing earlier today.


Something wonky is going on ….


Perhaps Chinese have always been in Mexico and that’s were their base is… AND PINE GAP AUS/ cia. Wtf.

Anonymous ID: 184bd0 Nov. 11, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.3861190   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Australian Defence Signals Directorate and who has direct contact with CIA and NSA employees that work at the Super Secret Pine Gap Facility in the Australian Outback. Pine Gap works in tandem with the NSA and CIA as well as the SIS and MI6


SIS? Q said sis is good.


NSA, CIA, Australian Defence Signals Directorate, SIS, AUS…


Five eyes? Is Q part of all this? SIS is good?

Anonymous ID: 184bd0 Nov. 11, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.3861565   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Muslim brotherhood. The black shrine. They want white Luciferians to fight white satanists while they sit back and let them destroy eachother and then go in for the win - Louis Farrakhan said this.


YouTube video - Farrakhan exposes freemasonry.


He said that him and his group are the black Shriners and the real chosen ones. Dipshit

Anonymous ID: 184bd0 Nov. 11, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.3861620   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe that’s why our military was sent to the border. Maybe that’s why we really need the wall. That article was from 2012 and the caravans begin in 2010 as tributes to immigration and only was about the size of a few thousand.


I think our southern border is about to get slammed. Enemy at the gates !!!