Anonymous ID: 73e961 Nov. 11, 2018, 6:53 p.m. No.3861195   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3860652 pb



You'll find awful jews all over the place.


Start with Rothschild about 200-250 years ago.


Read the Waterloo story. Notice that they call National Banks Rothschild banks. Balfour Declaration gave Palestine to Rothschild. Rothschild gave Soros his startup money. You see Rothschild over and over and over, involved in these awful things. If there's one family who is the worst of them all, then the groups that he's a part of are the worst group, because one family does so much of the total bad stuff.


Rothschild does much bad stuff and Rothschild is a Jew. Rothschild is also Cabal. Is it all Jews fault that Rothschild does bad stuff? Is it all Cabal's fault that Rothschild does bad stuff?

If we are to try to properly categorize Rothschild as Jew or Cabal, which is the most accurate?


Most everyone else you want to mention as a multi-century bad guy, which extends out to Lynn advising Hillary, just doesn't have the long-term resume with greatest hits, so you have to look there, start there. Loads of money, the Rothschilds, because Soros was investing mostly Rothschild money, was making much more than Soros, just from the pittance, mere millions, that Rothschild gave him in the 60s, from Soros's investments, and they still have everything else. If Soros invests hundreds of thousands and makes Billions, when the Rothschilds invest tens of millions, how much do they make, just from that small investment?

Anonymous ID: 73e961 Nov. 11, 2018, 7:03 p.m. No.3861355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1399



Many of us liked Putin in 2016, thinking he wasn't a Rothschild/Jew Banker/Cabal puppet like so many of the western leaders who would love to clear out the Middle East of those Middle Easterners who are not Jewish and wreck Europe.


Early in the Trump Administration he went and met Putin, met the leader of China, the leaders of the bigger, more individually powerful countries than Israel.


He might've said "I've got Cabal problems, and I bet you do too, and I'm going to try to get rid of them, are you with me on this, and China let him into the Sanctuary City (or something like that) Everyone who is being pushed into compliance with the Cabal is happy to get free from them. Some of the Western nations leaders seem to be true believers, or don't seem to be that enthusiastic about throwing off the cabal.

Anonymous ID: 73e961 Nov. 11, 2018, 7:10 p.m. No.3861463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1499 >>1506



Free Republic is a fine fine website who has been in solid existence for over 20 years. I used to be there a lot. Now I'm not. Traditional GOP.


And they used to be keeping the Clinton Death Lists in the 1990s. JimRob.


They ask for money because they need money for servers. It's good to have independent voices like Free Republic.


If we could kick money somewhere and it could lead to good results that we would like, some of us would give money.

Anonymous ID: 73e961 Nov. 11, 2018, 7:35 p.m. No.3861784   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I used to post a TON. Way back in the day.


Jim Rob has never been way into the conspiracy stuff. Not into the anti Jew stuff.


But it's not like being on reddit, where he's all of a sudden going to be UPC friendly.


I got banned from there. I really can't even remember when. I started going there maybe 20 years ago. Spent a lot of years there and have been completely away for years, and did check out the thread, first time in years.