Anonymous ID: 78c18f Nov. 11, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.3861729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3860652 (lb)

I've been reading up on WW1 from history books printed at that time. Not reprints but originals. Old and ready to fall apart.


Interesting stuff, to say the least. There were even 'anonymous sources' then to help prevent the peace negotiations through shit-talking and eroding confidence in achieving peace, after the assassination and before WW1 officially began.


Since there was a Russian spy in with the Black Hand that assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, you have to wonder if WW1 really was started by the Entente.


The little facts left here-and-there paint an interesting picture.


I wonder, was Western Europe at a disadvantage, trade-wise, because of Eastern Europe's location in relation to the Middle East and Asia? Was the purpose of the war to break up Eastern European countries and their allies for easier access to Trade in the Middle East and Asia?


The Balfour agreement was the dangled carrot needed to grant loans to fund the wars. Was Woodrow Wilson a bad actor? It sounded like he was sending military supplies to the Entente, while claiming to be Neutral, until ships were bombed by Germany.


It's a wild read.