Anonymous ID: 826c6c Nov. 11, 2018, 7:30 p.m. No.3861706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1723 >>1745 >>1749

3 part post.

Need assistance and presenting a theory




Need additional autisim anons.

Today is 11.11.18, the day we have all been waiting for.

Like everyone, I have been patiently waiting all day for the reckoning to begin.

Started to loose hope.

So, I went back to re read the crumbs.

Using I ran a search for 11.11

I picked up an oddity abs generated a few theories.


  1. 6 March 2018

> 11-11-18


  1. 8 March 2018

> Resolved by 11-11.


  1. 21 Apr 2018

> 11.11.18


  1. 13 May 2018

> What must happen pre 11.11?

> 11.11 provided as strategic marker


  1. 28 Sept 2018

> 11.11


  1. 3 Nov 2018

> POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11


I could only find 2 instances where 11-11 was used. Both times in march and both seemingly to be disinformation.

  1. 6 March 2018

< DC Parade never happened

  1. 8 March 2018

< Iran doesn't appear to be resolved

Anonymous ID: 826c6c Nov. 11, 2018, 7:31 p.m. No.3861723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1743




What really activated my almonds was

> 11.11 provided as strategic marker

11.11 appears 4 times.

13 May 2018

> What must happen pre 11.11?

> 11.11 provided as strategic marker.

27 Sept 2018

> 11.11

3 Nov 2018

> POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11

11.11 is a strategic marker

Elections (strategic marker)

<What had to happen prior to the elections?

Trump meets Putin (strategic marker)

<What had to happen prior to Trump/ Putin meeting?


Any help with those questions would be appreciated.

Now, let's expand our thinking

< What did anons pick up on today?

< Trump/Putin appeared jovial

< Trump signs "Q" in photo

I know we were all expecting something big today but I think we are missing something.

Today was a strategic marker.

Not a date to begin The Great Awakening.

> 1 year ago

Q made sure to point out the 1 year confirmation

There is only 1 post where Q gives a specific date


> 11.11.18

Anonymous ID: 826c6c Nov. 11, 2018, 7:32 p.m. No.3861743   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Theory time.

Q/Potus provide proof on 1 year anniversary of 1st Q post.

11.11 was significant as it showed when more proof (better than flapping hands around in a fashion that may or may not resemble a Q)

Today we begin our journey towards unification

11.11.18 - 11.11.19


The mood between Trump/Putin tells me Iran is resolved, its just not in the news.

In order to secure an Iran compromise, America had to show good faith: Win midterms and begin the process of showing the public the truth.

This shows we are doing our part and motivates our allies to uphold their end of the deal.

Trump is building relationships with these nations.

> Earning trust

Showing a commitment to clean up America's corrupt government.

A government that has become the strongest proxy of evil in the world.

Today we witnessed history and most dont even realize it.