Anonymous ID: f0dcea Nov. 11, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.3861544   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1549 >>1570 >>1626


Normally, when you refuse a court order the judge issues a warrant for your arrest and your ass gets put in jail…unless you are a Democratic politician or one of their operatives apparently—then you're untouchable. And the Republicans just run their mouths and watch the bullshit happen.


Nothing changes. Many, many Floridians like myself were disenfranchised by these muthas. What is the point of voting if this kind of BS keeps happening and nothing is ever done about it? Lawsuits and talk-talk-talk…At the end of the day they will find a way to make the Ds win. Anyone who doesn't see that coming is naive.