Don't to hate on a decent post but I'm basically from the VC (long since removed.)
Everyone will not 'be okay.'
Not at all.
NOT EVEN CLOSE. Sorry, had to get that out. It's HELL not okay.
Don't to hate on a decent post but I'm basically from the VC (long since removed.)
Everyone will not 'be okay.'
Not at all.
NOT EVEN CLOSE. Sorry, had to get that out. It's HELL not okay.
Truth will come to light.
Be as informative on those facts to others as you can. Welcome newbitch. Glad to have you.
And yes. Anonymous are ridiculous and there are about a million corny knockoffs these days floating about. I hope the public will notice how bs it all is too otherwise 'we're here to correct that shite.
Oh and yeah….they threatened to doxx ANONS from this board so they're also sacks of shit.
Some people spill their drink.
Fighter pilots sometimes spill INTO the drink.
Glad to hear they were scooped up. Got a few friends who are insane enough to jump out of helos for that stuff.
Yeah and besides what many of you perverts think a woman with small breasts isn't a damn child either. Wonder what women feel like, when compared to a damn kid.
It'd make me disgusted with myself, and furious. And less than.
But hey…silicone and shit…..fake. (not saying those are) It's just pretty fucking ironic, calling heavier girls heffers and smaller girls children. People need to grow the fuck up and just ask for ID like the old days. And yes screaming 'pedo!' all over the place makes one look pretty damn bad. They're people not pieces of meat. Appreciate sure, but damn some people are insulting over shit a woman can't help.
Get bent asshole.
Not my fault you're blind.
And we're building the damn wall so shut the fuck up.
In college had an illegal student give me shit from being from VC.
Best part is I lived in the town with all the gang members. So I found it ironic. Bet Oxnard doesn't get touched.
also the Port Heuneme base is close….lots of fuckery. Hope that shit tattoo place across the way closed; you don't even wanna know.