Just my opinion, but the fires and dews are definitely a slide away from the election stuff. How many votes have the Ds gotten since voting ended? How may have Rs gotten? How many seats have flipped to D? How many to R? That kind of thing…
Demand Justice, an organization founded by former members of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and associated with a “social welfare organization” financed by billionaire activist George Soros, is helping to organize volunteers to aid Senator Bill Nelson’s campaign with the Florida recount.
Demand Justice sent out a blast email asking for “volunteers to help out in a variety of roles in the recount process, including observing at polls, data processing, and logistics organization.”
Demand Justice was founded by Brian Fallon, who served as press secretary for Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. The group’s digital team is headed by Gabrielle McCaffrey, who was a digital organizer for Clinton’s campaign.
Working at Demand Justice is Paige Herwig, a former Judiciary Committee aide to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). Prior to her stint with Feinstein, Herwig served as counselor to Attorney General Loretta Lynch.