Anonymous ID: 66d4b2 Nov. 11, 2018, 10:29 p.m. No.3863402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q-Post #1197 (APR 19, 2018): "Yes, midterms are safe"

Post #1197 captured for repost in #2475 (Nov 10, 2018), to which Q adds: "News unlocks"


Oooo! Serendipity strikes in Florida:

And the Dem lawyers are still claiming that there's nothing in the law that disqualifies non-citizens for voting?:

Even while the same person who committed crimes in her job before still has the same job so she can commit the same crimes again?:

Added to a media double-standard that Acosta can do whatever he wants while jornalists can't record ballot-counting to pretect against potential fraud?:

Even when there's at least one witness to voter fraud with legal affadavitt sufficient for legal standing in court?:

And it ain't just in Florida either:


This is just the tip of the iceburg so far…


Fox Mulder: "I want to believe."

Hey, Shills! Do you believe yet? Or is the dirty money you're getting still overriding your morals/ethics?


How about some popcorn?