Anonymous ID: 6f8a97 Nov. 11, 2018, 10:36 p.m. No.3863447   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3459 >>3465 >>3470 >>3983

I really don't understand why anyone thinks a woman with such huge knockers could be underage. But when I reverse searched this girl I found lots of other photos of her and in many of them she has a really cute baby face. So I searched a bit more.


She started modeling when she was age 21 or 22

So she is not anywhere near to middle age. It's just that she is a real Caucasian from the heartland of white people and therefore she doesn't look like the narrower gene pool that settled the USA before WWII. This is changing, of course, but a lot of people have wrong ideas about what an adult white person looks like because they have only seen people from a narrow gene pool. Get over it. Almost everything that you know, on any topic, is wrong.


Just accept that you are wrong about EVERYTHING unless you can prove it. Your past life may have allowed you to get away without proof just by bullying people and shouting, but the world has changed and people will be less and less likely to accept this. And if you shout too much, they will start to think you are a closet pedophile because it is now known that this is a tactic that real pedophiles and criminals use, to hide in plain sight.




To me she does look middle aged at first glance.

But the second picture does show a baby face look

Girls who are posing for a commercial site are extremely unlikely to be underage, and even if they are and someone is charged, the evidence used by the site to determine her age would likely be accepted by a court as evidence that there is reasonable doubt that anything illegal occurred.


With the amount of blatant trafficking of underage girls for prostitution, you wonder why anyone would make such a fuss over a few pictures for which they have ZERO evidence other than their personal opinion which is NOT admissible as evidence in any court in the USA.

Anonymous ID: 6f8a97 Nov. 11, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.3863487   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3544




THe PDF of this book is higher resolution than usual so it takes a 28 megabyte file to store the 400 page book. That's why I can't attach it to this post but you can download it from this URL.


Russia From The American Embassy

Anonymous ID: 6f8a97 Nov. 11, 2018, 10:45 p.m. No.3863494   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3525 >>3531 >>3541 >>3545 >>3616 >>3685


Some people are so totally obsessed with the Jews

That they didn't notice that the Cabal

Are Nihilists

Jew is an irrelevant detail

It is NIHILISM that brough the world COMMUNISM


And the NEW WORLD ORDER based on nihilist ideals

Like political correctness


Now the founders wanted a Novus Ordo Seclorum


But they had a very different view of it.


The Nihilist/Social Darwinists/Scientific Monists

Have infiltrated everything in society to push their view

Of my way or the highway

When you tell me my way or the highway your opinion

Stops at your property line

A society can live with that


But the Nihilists want the elite to make the decisions

And IMPOSE them on everybody

So that the people become sheep who obey orders


I don't really care whether they call themselves liberals or progressives

Or capitalists or fascists or feminists or activists

If they are proposing a NIHILISTIC view of society and politics

Then they are wrong


There must be debate, ALWAYS

There must be disagreement, ALWAYS

There must be competition, ALWAYS

Because that is what uplifts us and makes us strive to succeed.


Nihilists were a subgroup of the Nazis


Technocracy was a nihilist political philosophy that sprouted in North America as a reaction to Communism.


Zbigniew Brzezinski took their plans to the Rockefellers and they used it as the basis of the Trilateral Commission. Technocracy was created by mostly engineers, and the Trilateral Commission was where the elite wealthy powerbrokers adopted the plan and made it their own.


If you want to see where they were coming from, read this


The parallels to the Europeans and their Club of Rome with Limits to Growth should be obvious.


Watch the Water


When Q says most people are good he also means in the Cabal because a lot of well-meaning people got sucked into this. The real evil comes from the cult of con-artists who are the people who learned the art of the con, thousands of years ago, and passed it down in their families. They mastered the art of living high, while others do all the productive work.

These bloodlines have infiltrated just about any organization with power in the Western World, and they have RIGGED the system. The cult of co-artists is MATRIARCHAL. They are ruled by WITCHES which is why POTUS keep exhorting us on a WITCH HUNT to identify the man behind the curtain because that man is actually a woman (or women).

Anonymous ID: 6f8a97 Nov. 11, 2018, 10:48 p.m. No.3863514   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Perhaps the FBI had inside info that all the documents had been moved to the two properties that were raided. And they were more interested in seizing bank accounts than small amounts of cash and valuables.

Anonymous ID: 6f8a97 Nov. 11, 2018, 11:30 p.m. No.3863729   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4037 >>4080



This is how I know it is BULLSHIT.

Most of these people haven't a clue how fire burns, how materials react. They've never really burnt stuff themselves because they live in a city. Some of us HAVE worked with fire. We have burned brush piles on the farm, singed our eyebrows when we threw gas on the pile and took too long to throw the lighted match. We have set grass fires, watched them burn and then fight them when they started to get out of control. We have burned huge piles of rubbish that sent flames 50 feet in the air and spewed out sparks onto the surrounding snow. We have even burned down buildings and gone inside them to knock holes in the wall and let in air to speed up the burn. We have burned holes through aluminum saucepans or meled the aluminum bottoms off stainless steel pans. We have made aluminum sand castings and case hardened steel with sodium cyanide in high school.


Much of this stuff in California is just the normal behavior of wildfires. Some of it is precisely what you would expect if a human being was setting the fires on purpose. Very, vey few pieces of evidence point to the use of DEW weapons. That is not to say that no DEWs were used, but if they were someone is creating a flood of garbage evidence pointing away from the truth to make finding it like finding a needle in a haystack.


You cannot trust what a firefighter says. If you need to set fires that an investigator will not consider to be arson, you hire a firefighter. Firefighters also send all their time fighting simple home and industrial fires that are relatively contained, maybe half a dozen buildings at most. They have NO experience with wildfire which behaves very differently, moves fast, jumps over things, doubles back sometimes, and creates wind vortices which destroy evidence of arson.


So just stop it!



Only a committed investigator who understands fire and is committed to using proper RATIONAL LOGICAL investigative techniques could get anywhere with this investigation. And they would have to be on the ground in California. And consider this, if arson is behind these fires, or DEW weapons, an investigator would need to do their work in secret. Otherwise they would get DEAD.


Somebody is watching you. There is a line. And if you cross the line, and start making a credible case, then the brakes on your car, need to fail just before you take that highway curve at 60mph. So think twice about what you are doing. As long as you are just a stupid asshole posting crap, your life is safe. But I ain't gonna pay it any attention.

Anonymous ID: 6f8a97 Nov. 11, 2018, 11:43 p.m. No.3863803   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Thanks for the TBH. Here is some moreโ€ฆ


President Kennedy said, we all inhabit this 1 small planet

This planet = The ship

Where We Go One, We Go All!

ะšัƒะดะฐ ะธะดั‘ั‚ ะพะดะธะฝ, ั‚ัƒะดะฐ ะธะดั‘ะผ ะผั‹ ะฒัะต!


When the White Squall comes

It is not about who you love and who you hate

EVERY member of the crew must pull together.


(((they))) want us divided

Because when the White Squall comes

We are expendable

And they get the ship, the whole ship, to themselves.


Who are (((they)))?

The Nihilist Illuminati.

They created the Nihilist Communists.

They created the Nihilist Nazis.

They created the Nihilist Fascists

And they created the Nihilist Liberals.


We have met the enemy, and he is us.

Because if we to not consent to be ruled by (((them)))

Then (((they))) have NO power.

Sheep no more!

Wake up.

All men were created equal, with free will.

Competition is fun, but at the end of the day

Everybody shakes hands, goes to the pub and raises a beer, TOGETHER.

On this ship


On this ship, we compete but we do not destroy

Because the White Squall is coming.

And (((they))) were willing to risk sacrificing ALL OF US

To (((their))) pagan god.

Anonymous ID: 6f8a97 Nov. 12, 2018, 12:08 a.m. No.3863949   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>3863791 lb


You don't have to read this online

Elementary Lectures on Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses, and Other Transients


Download the PDF from here:

Anonymous ID: 6f8a97 Nov. 12, 2018, 12:28 a.m. No.3864061   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4073



I always went for the small breasted women because they got less attention, and therefore were happy to spend some time chatting, and they really responded well to a guy being nice.


There is a lot of truth in the saying, you don't need more than a mouthful.