Anonymous ID: b7f178 Nov. 11, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.3863508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3530 >>3605


Have you read or watched the works of the people he cites as sources, anon? Maxwell, Faraday, Tesla, Dollard, Heavyside? Iff not, what's the difference between you and a normie?



Not from what I see: he often quotes Tesla when citing the framework for his theories and when making fun of Einstein.


Cognitive Dissonance is real, folks.

Q or Google or some strange coincidence gave us the tripcode Library for a reason, and The Spinning Magnet, Dollard, and he all say the same thing in prinicple.

Anonymous ID: b7f178 Nov. 11, 2018, 11:41 p.m. No.3863791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3875 >>3949


Again, the people that use this technology to make things (e.g. Dollard) disagree with you about the notion of air molecules freely bouncing around, but I'm probably not the person to have this discussion with you, though….I urge you to give this a bit more of your time though…What did Faraday REALLY say during that lecture when we went off the cuff?


Here's my take. What you're saying these people are all about doesn't match the important concepts I grasped re what they're all about. To come at this from a different angle, We all know that vaccines are safe and effective, except I can walk you through the literature piece by piece and not only show you they aren't but also show you the strategy used to hide this, and how to follow the literature to get around it.


We all know that adrenochrome Isn't really a psychadelic, and niacin does nothing for psychosis, except I can show you the literature where it was first introduced, help you see how these scientists were taking their sick elite party experiences and cashing in on them, where the detractors focused to help convince you it didn't happen, and how to get around it in the literature to find your way to the truth of today. We all know that SRA never happened, that false memory syndrome accounts for Dissociative Identity Disorder sufferers' memories should they ever dare take their abuser to court, except I can show you beyond doubt how that came about. At the end of the day you have sick people who've kept a lot of things from us, including an incomprehensible amount of wealth, and who abused many people in the process. 1) it's really naive to assume wealth was the only thing they kept from us 2) one or two might be making it up, but hundreds aren't. These survivors are recalling events that mimic ww2 nazi experiments (things taking one to the brink of death and back), explaining it's scientific use, and detailing futuristic incomprehensible applications of the process.


That's an awful lot of signs that suggest it's more likely than not to exist. If it does, where'd we get off the beaten path. My sources say it starts with Faraday. Here are the books dollar recommends starting with:

Most importantly: read them, and don't argue with them. Maybe what we've learned since then isn't "new" but different, competitive, and designed to distract.