An Anti-Semite is any person who has a prejudice against or hostility towards Semitic peoples of the
Levant Gulf of the Mediterranean, specifically Akkadian, Phoenician, Syrian, Yahudi, Palestinian and
Israelite civilizations.
As the word “Jew” is a fictitious word created in the 16th Century in an attempt to merge Semitic
people with people originally from southern Mongolia and Kazakhstan, it is absurd to conclude the
term Anti-Semitic implies anti-Jewish as there was never a Semitic civilization in history called the
The extreme minority of people who owe their heritage from elite families of Venice and the Black
Khazarian tribes of Magyar, are connected to the elite anti-semitic parasites and have never been
Semitic, nor share any of the history of the original cultures that created the Talmud, nor Torá(h), nor
ruled the Yahudi or Israelites. Instead, they are a small band of imposter families that assumed power
in the 16th Century.
As the secretive Khazarian/Scythian elite anti-semitic parasite families are neither Semitic, nor Jewish,
no exposure of their treacherous behaviour, including their identity theft of much older Menes-heh
families and Rabbi names during World War II and deliberate and constant war against the Jewish
people from within can be construed as anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish.
If the meaning of Anti-Semite were taken to believe any group of people who have been prejudiced
against or hostile towards the “Jews” rooted in hatred ethnic background or culture then the single
worst group in history against the "Jews" are without question the elite anti-semitic parasite families
of the Black Khazars, also known as the Venetians and the Scythian families of Asia who hijacked all
other sub branches and have caused more death, mass murder and suffering of “Jews” than any other