Holocaust is the deliberate ritual murder of another Homo Sapien by fire through some ceremony of a
Religion or Cult. The term Holocaust is the oldest religious term for ritual sacrifice by fire and means a
completely (holos) burn (kaustos) sacrificial offering.
Any claim that Holocaust only applies to animals such as kids, sheep and cattle is deliberately
misleading and an insult to the memory of all who have suffered such murder as a core doctrine of
Holocaust rituals by Religions and Cults is the literal treatment and view of Homo Sapien victims as
kids, sheep and cattle.
The origin of ritual murder by deliberately burning people alive originates from the city of Urgarit in
the early 17th Century BCE and then later to other Phoenician and Amorite cities such as Carthage,
Tyre and Jerusalem. In all cases, such ritual was directed to the god Ba’al Moloch also known as Ba’al
Hammon, Sabaoth and Satan.
The original purpose of a Holocaust was as a form of offering to Moloch. However, from the 4th
Century CE and the creation of the Talmud by the Menes-heh (Menesheh) , Holocaust became a most
sacred ritual of atonement. Thus, whenever an act or enhancement to the covenant with Satan, also
known as Sabaoth was enacted a great Holocaust was required.
The word Holocaust is equivalent to the Latin word Immolate introduced by Roman Cult Pope Innocent
III in the 13th Century to specifically and more clearly mean a burnt offering to Moloch. However, in
1933 Pope Pius XII of the Roman Cult ordered the Cult to return to using the sacred word Holocaust
for the greatest unpunished crime against humanity in history in the coordinated mass murder of
millions by fire.