Anonymous ID: 62d624 Nov. 12, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.3868813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8839 >>8898 >>9324 >>9426 >>9474 >>9477

Criminal migrants will have to return home – Italian Interior Minister


Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini talks about the success of his anti-migration policies and says criminal migrants will have to return home in a press conference.


“As of today, he who saw immigration as a feeding trough is on a diet. And I am convinced that many fake volunteers will no longer participate, if instead of 35 euros a day in the mega-centres, they take home 19; you don’t eat anymore. The Mafia doesn’t eat, the Camorra doesn’t eat, the Ndrangheta doesn’t eat.” Matteo begins his presser.


“We are not here to make compromises. The decree on security and immigration will pass the Chamber, as it did the Senate. And we will give life to an historic judicial reform.” the Minister said.


Salvini, known in Italy as the most popular and trusted politician, has taken a tough stance for his country. Stating further:


“For me the residence permit for humanitarian motives is for those who escape from war, who escape from torture, who escape from persecution. This one (me) who has been working like a madman running around half the world to make repatriation pacts that those before me did not make.”


“If they understand the music has changed, the traffickers, will change their occupations. Whoever escapes from war is my brother. Who comes here to deal drugs or cause problems will go back to his country.”


Strong words backed by strong action. It is clear why Salvini’s popularity only increases as the days progress.

Anonymous ID: 62d624 Nov. 12, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.3868836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8915 >>9080 >>9208 >>9403 >>9438

Bulgaria will not join the UN Migration Pact and joins growing list of countries


It started with the US withdrawing in July, then Hungary was next to follow. As of right now, the list of countries bailing on the disastrous Migration Pact is increasing by the day.


Austria, Australia, Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland so far have withdrawn, while Switzerland, Belgium and Italy are questioning if they will also withdraw.


Today, the Coalition Council has stated that Bulgaria is not going to join the UN Global Migration Pact either. The Council’s decision states that this document jeopardises Bulgaria’s national interests.


The announcement came from the chairman of the GERB Parliamentary Group Tsvetan Tsvetanov at a briefing to journalists at the Council of Ministers after the Coalition Council. The briefing was in connection with protests in the country against high fuel prices.

Anonymous ID: 62d624 Nov. 12, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.3868858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8923

Migrant who was arrested 107 times by German police never received any punishment


African migrant Bismark B. has already been arrested 107 times by German police, but never received any punishment, tabloid B.Z. Berlin reports.


Due to the police’s inability the 59-year-old Ghanaian was allowed to run free again and again. This changed last year, as he became very violent.


The man stole food numerous times from a supermarket, employee Martina K. says:


“The man was a regular guest… He came three or four times a week for years and stole food.


“He ignored house bans, claimed he owned the business. He could take what he wanted. The choice of the accused always fell on the more expensive brand articles. He then recorded everything in a book he had brought with him.”


Meanwhile criminal proceedings against the criminal failed multiple times due to psychological diagnoses like paranoid schizophrenia.


But last year Bismark B. became violent. “He suddenly kicked me in the chest with his foot. Had not a customer stood behind me, I would have been beaten. He threatened to kill her,” the female supermarket employee says.


Fortunately the woman was helped by her colleague. “I just wanted to kick him out as always. There I saw the knife … He has never been so aggressive,” colleague Andreas H. says.


But after his arrest the migrant was released again. Yet his latest arrest led to a serious case as he threatened to kill a drug store employee with a meat cleaver.


Last Tuesday the case against Bismark B. started and it is to be decided if he belongs in a psychiatric clinic for being a danger to society.

Anonymous ID: 62d624 Nov. 12, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.3869023   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The HEROIN WAR – death toll greater for U.S. civilians than soldiers in Afghanistan, thanks to the opium-based prescription drug “invasion”


When psychotic political figures run the “show,” psychotic things happen to American citizens. Do we even need to speak the insidious names again of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney in order to make this point? Let’s take a moment to review the extreme fallout that’s still destroying Americans on our home turf, all while we fight a futile war started on false pretenses in a land where no invading forces have ever won, and where the most dangerous drug on earth is being harvested (and exported to the USA) at exponentially higher rates than before we “invaded.”


As of this past July, there have been over 2,300 U.S. military deaths in the War in Afghanistan, and over 20,000 American service members have been wounded in action. Yet, according to federal statistics, here at home, opioid prescription drugs (yes, medications made from heroin) have killed over 33,000 Americans every year since 2015. That means more American civilians are dying every year from taking prescription drugs than all military deaths combined during the 17-year war that’s still raging.


Are we really fighting to “defeat” terrorism, or is it all smoke and mirrors while Big Pharma imports cheap heroin to enslave more Americans using “smack” for painkillers?

The U.S. has spent over a trillion dollars to create, not destroy, the world’s premiere narco-state


Sure, heroin (and cocaine) are imported to the United States from parts of the world other than Afghanistan, including China and South America, but since we invaded Afghanistan, the poppy fields are flourishing, and the drug trade has taken off like a rocket ship, and unsuspecting Americans are getting “higher and higher,” only to find themselves addicted to the most lethal drug on the planet. Is there any end in sight to this insanity? We’re fighting a war FOR drugs, not a war against drugs.

Anonymous ID: 62d624 Nov. 12, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.3869094   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook Fired Oculus Founder For His Political Beliefs And Pro-Trump Donations


Every so often, Silicon Valley's virtue-signaling, shadowbanning, anti-conservative media titans appear in Congress or devise a quick PR campaign to show to the world just how truly impartial they are with zero liberal bias. And every single time it backfires as their true ideological face quickly emerges from behind a fake, hypocritical mask.


Take the case of former Facebook executive, Oculus co-founder and virtual-reality wunderkind Palmer Luckey, who was a rising star of Silicon Valley when, at the height of the 2016 presidential contest, he donated a modest $10,000 to an anti-Hillary Clinton group. His donation sparked a backlash from his colleagues, which then led to him being put on leave, and six months later he was fired.


What is odd about Luckey's termination, is that when testifying before Congress about data privacy earlier this year, Mark Zuckerberg denied, or rather lied that the departure had anything to do with politics. In fact, neither Facebook nor Mr. Luckey ever said why he left the social-media giant.


Until now: according to a report from the WSJ, Luckey told people the reason for his termination from that bastion of apolitical impartiality Facebook, was his support for Donald Trump and the furor that his political beliefs sparked within his employer, and Silicon Valley, some of those people say.


It's not just his opinion either: internal Facebook emails suggest the matter was discussed at the highest levels of the company. In the fall of 2016, as unhappiness over the paltry donation simmered, executives at Facebook - which according to Open Secrets has spent over $60 million on lobbying in the past decade - including Zuckerberg pressured Mr. Luckey to publicly voice support for libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, despite Mr. Luckey’s yearslong support of Trump.


At that point Luckey, 26, allegedly hired an employment lawyer who argued to Facebook that it had violated California law in pressuring the executive to voice support for Johnson and for punishing an employee for political activity.


Not long after, Luckey and his lawyer negotiated a payout of at least $100 million, representing an acceleration of stock awards and bonuses he would have received through July 2019, plus cash, according to the people familiar with the matter. The stock awards and bonuses were a result of selling his virtual-reality company, Oculus VR, to Facebook in 2014 for more than $2 billion, a deal that netted him a total of about $600 million.


In other words, it was Trump's "fault" that a $10,000 donation resulted in a $100,000,000 payout just a few months later.