Anonymous ID: 864ad8 Cali is gone Nov. 12, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.3870791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0863 >>0875 >>0951 >>0954 >>1004 >>1053

NorCalPharmFag here. First and last post. I’ve been here since literally Day One. I have reached a conclusion: they have won. No sugar-coating, no bullshit, we lost and they won. There is no turning back – their influence is too established, entrenched, and enabled to respond. Even if by some miracle the 2018 election results are modified or overturned, it doesn’t matter. They own: the banks, the education system, nearly all influential state and local government positions (other than governors), the media, the health care system, and the internet. We have the military-industrial complex, mostly. Yay for us.

I have been at ground zero of the cultural Marxist transformation of this beautiful, rich, and educated state into a 3rd world hellhole. Every system is in tatters: finances, taxes, housing, education, health care, roads and bridges, emergency services, housing, parks, courts. Since I have been woken since the late 80’s, this has been a painful, slow motion disaster. I am an independent consultant, so, not being eligible for group healthcare plans, I pay $2575.00/month for shit insurance with high copays and high out of pocket costs. Think on that – my healthcare costs for 2 healthy adults are routinely higher than the median wage in this country. My children are already planning to move out of state to a more tax-friendly state, and I will retire out of state. By 2040, there will be no taxpayers left. Only the ultrarich isolated from the rest of the 3rd world hellhole they created.

Sorry, not a dramafag but a realist.