Anonymous ID: b2e356 Nov. 12, 2018, 11:57 a.m. No.3870519   🗄️.is đź”—kun


The cancer does have to be excised. But Q has always spoken firmly to the need to protect life.

Q also has said that any civil strife would be put down hard and fast. Them is us. I think they probably have more self-control and greater handle on mercy w/justice than we might. Commies build on blood and guts.

Patriots don't. Intell makes up for a lot. Not as much blood needs to be spilled.

Let Alfred E. Newman do the worrying.

Anonymous ID: b2e356 Nov. 12, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.3870612   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0683 >>0800


Lexington and Concord. Anons, do you think that at any time during those battles, the guise were sitting around and moaning, “Some glorious 1776. Yeah. Love that George Q. Washington. Trust Tom Paine, trust Paul Revere.”

Don’t you realize

2018 IS glorious

We’ve already made history. Nothing like this has ever happened. As we approach probable martial law or all-out war, we cannot be sure we will survive as individuals. But we know God wins. And win or lose, those who survive will say one day, 2018 was indeed glorious. There can be no doubt.

We are never ready, but we are prepared, right? There is a special place in hell for shills and their bloody masters. They are already defeated. They are pathetic fools.

But Qanon! Buckle up, man up. We are not buttercups. There’s so much yet to dig. Memes may mean nothing to normies, but they keep us pumped. And we have a God in heaven who hears every one of our prayers.

A young punk hit me up for a couple bucks earlier. He wanted a sandwich. I don’t have any to share for that. $2 could buy a dozen eggs and loaf of bread that would last days. You think his type will ever see it that way? No. But many of us have been poor, crushed, disabled. We can do this.


Anonymous ID: b2e356 Nov. 12, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.3870743   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0817 >>0941


The biggest defect I see in this modern warfare is what you allude to. We don’t know each other. We’re doing this by computer, not f2f. I hate that. I want to stand alongside my fellow fighters. That makes a considerable difference. Harder to be deceived, too. This all came on so rapidly. No time to really do anything more than react. But we’ve led ourselves into this by our addiction to digitals. Might be good to find a way out of this eventually. Go back to being humans again. Thanks for reply.

Anonymous ID: b2e356 Nov. 12, 2018, 12:20 p.m. No.3870856   🗄️.is đź”—kun


A lifetime of studying the Bible, and learning more deeply other works I read has taught me here.

Read the posts going back to the beginning - every damn night. If you have time, read old threads and notables.

Q said we have more than we know.

You don't believe Q? You're a dunce. Go back to netflix or whatever that crap is.

Anonymous ID: b2e356 Nov. 12, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.3871027   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Imagine the few, the brave, the disciples on Good Friday. Three days later, who was awestruck and joyous!

Real believers and real patriots don't dwell on what seems. Faith breaks through and sees ahead. We will, too, Fren.