Anonymous ID: fff5b9 Nov. 12, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.3870786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0843 >>0913

Anons, we ALL need to:



In the past day or two, there has been an ALL OUT ASSAULT on q, AUTISTS/ANONS/PUBLIC perception of POTUS.

[They] are SUCCESSFULLY killing Moral & Enthusiasm of Our Movement - FACT!

Diminishing via Sophisticated Distractions in Media [ALL] + Here on /QRESEARCH/–[HRC2020 run][Voter Fraud in FL][CA Fires][[Attacks]/[Character destruction of POTUS]-'Couldn't get his Hair-do wet'-[Only cares about himself, not American Vets]-Embarrassment to United States]]–Its already worked/still working!!


"The decision drew negative reactions from two officials who served in previous administrations"

"But the GOP before Trump stood for free trade, not tariffs. They supported legal immigration. They fought high deficits. They backed NATO allies and opposed Russian aggression. And they did not embrace the politics of put-downs — including lying, nasty comments about women — while emboldening racists and anti-Semites".

"In the few cases he has handled so far, Kavanaugh has declined some opportunities to favor the Trump administration, separating himself from Gorsuch in early votes. He has aligned more with Chief Justice John Roberts than the far right of the bench." -[READ]

[They] are ALL IN [Trying to Start a WAR] to Blatantly Steal back the POWER We, the PEOPLE took from them in 2016.

Stop letting [them] derail US [11.11 gone, Q lied again] etc. - DO NOT ENGAGE/STOP!!


POTUS/Q came here for a reason.

We need to FOCUS & do our part:




MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.

SC: MISINFO everywhere.

SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources.

SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].


POTUS needs US.

Someone very, very close to POTUS may be a Traitor & part of why he 'the weather' stopped him from going to the Cemetery Saturday - still working on figuring this out.

We are missing/ not seeing his calls.

We are missing/ not seeing the attacks [see Trump Tweet re: More than 4000..]

We are missing /not seeing the EVIL!



President Trump, his Family, 'Q' & every Patriot fighting for us:

I am, and always will be, WITH YOU, POTUS!

We are WITH YOU. (even if it seems like were not)

This weekend really showed (for me anyway) who you truly are and what you're standing up to every single day, for US.

You had the Old GUARD try ONE more time to 'intervene' (at the Cemetery) on Nov. 10, contine the threat aimed only at you with [their] walk down the street carrying their black umbrellas as ONE on the way to at the Armistice Day Ceremony, & then have PuppetboyMacron so arrogantly DISRESPECT you in his speech at the Memorial, you still got up and made your speech right in these peoples faces.

Thank God Donald J. Trump is our President.

Any other person would have stepped down and bowed/ submitted to these Evil people a long time ago, the way every single other president of the United States of America has.

May God protect You and keep you safe from this horrific Evil that seeks to harm you and destroy everything WE ALL stand for & Love in this World.

Thank You for all that you do, and for everything you courageously have already done. No one else could accomplish this.

No One.