Do NOT let that sink in!
(Can't find the meme)
Every dog has its day.
Thank you. Finally some real work by an anon.
These are beautiful. We'll have the last word, don't worry.
This is what we're fighting for. God Bless you.
I’m tempted to recommend we just abandon for the day and let shills run out of their sputum. Never fought so hard in my life to keep faith and moving forward. They is DESPERATE. Love it.
You know, anons never took an oath to anybody. Maybe that's why so many are so easily abandoning Q.
Anons should ask themselves just who they are in this for. Does it take an oath to be faithful and loyal and self-sacrificing?
If it does, make it now. Q doesn't deserve this shit from us. Mostly shills, I know.
Thanks. God bless you for your service.