Walker 1,128,941
Barrett 1,004,303
Dane Cty Walker 68,238 Barrett 149,699
Milw. Cty Walker 128,612 Barrett 209,932
2012 Recall election:
Walker 1,335,585
Barrett 1,164,480
Dane Cty Walker 77,595 Barrett 176,407
Milw Cty Walker 142,455 Barrett 250,476
2014 Election:
Walker 1,259,706
Burke 1,122,913
Dane Cty Walker 73,587 Burke 175,604
Milw Cty Walker 132,561 Burke 230,997
2018 WI Governors Race
Walker 1,293,972
Evers 1,324,172
Dane Cty Walker 69,200 Evers 220,008
Milw Cty Walker 124,880 Evers 263,199
Maybe some vote fraud going on in Wisconsin.
Democrats cast almost 200,000 more votes than last election.
Numbers in Milwaukee and Dane counties through the roof.
I hope our gal Kristjen Nielson was on the one.